With COVID-19, don’t workout at the gym or anywhere else

by Jane Murphy | UPDATED January 08, 2022 06:00 AM EST

Asymptomatic carriers may be tempted to maintain their fitness propositions. Medical professionals say this is a bad idea.

Testing positive for COVID-19 means stopping exercising, even if you have zero or mild symptoms.

Given that the Omicron variant currently on the rise around the world causes mild symptoms, some people may feel tempted to head to the gym to keep their New Year’s fitness resolutions.

But sports-medicine professionals say you should pause exercise, even if you’re asymptomatic. For example, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that low-risk patients should rest for at least 10 days after being diagnosed with COVID-19. If asymptomatic, the rest should last for seven days.

“It doesn’t give you a free pass to sit on the couch all day and watch Netflix,” says David Soma, a sports physiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Covid-19 sufferers can avoid getting up completely immobile until they feel chest pain or fatigue, doing light work and moving around throughout the day.

And after you’ve recovered, moderation is key when resuming workouts. Jumping back into a vigorous exercise routine can take time to regain fitness levels, or worse, lead to injury or relapse.

Dr. Soma says the general rule of thumb when returning to sports after being ill is to avoid exercise if symptoms are below the neck, such as chest congestion or an upset stomach. If symptoms are higher up the neck, such as a runny nose or lightheadedness, it’s okay to resume exercise, Dr. Soma says. But start slow with low-intensity activities, like jogging instead of running, he says.

He suggests that people who have mild COVID-19 symptoms follow the same guidelines after the recommended rest period.

The right cadence to resume workouts varies based on your age, prior health and fitness level, and COVID-19 experience. Those who are young, active and have no symptoms after a period of rest can gradually return to their routine, says Julie Silver, MD, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School. She adds that those requiring hospitalization or underlying health issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure should work with their primary care doctor and possibly medical specialists, such as a cardiologist, to get back on exercise.

People with long-lasting COVID symptoms should manage exercise with care. Long-lasting COVID symptoms can include increased resting heart rate, extreme tiredness and cough. These issues can last for weeks to months after infection, making risky exercise without guidance.

“If you can’t make progress and feel tired every time you go for a walk, you should see a doctor,” says Dr. Silver, noting that you may need a pulmonary or heart test.

Take three to four weeks to return to your previous activity levels, even if you’re in great shape and only feeling mild symptoms, says Michael Frederickson, MD, a sports-medicine physician at Stanford Health Care.

He suggests adopting low-intensity activities like walking, cycling, swimming, stretching and yoga. Avoid lifting heavy weights and start with body-weight activities. They say working out with a mask on will make it harder to breathe, so you may want to avoid the gym.

Start with 40% to 50% exertion in the first week. This could mean a 15-minute walk every other day. If you feel well, gradually ramp-up time, frequency and intensity. Pay attention to how you feel while exercising and back off if you experience shortness of breath, high heart rate, chest pain or fatigue. If symptoms persist, call your doctor, he says.

As with any illness, sleep, good nutrition and hydration are key to recovery, says Mary Schaefer, MD, a sports-medicine physician at the Cleveland Clinic.

“Your body is working in overdrive; after you get sick you need to take care of it more than ever,” she says.

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