“Withdrawal sensitive process, appreciate India’s response”: Sudan envoy

“The withdrawal process is a very sensitive process due to the political situation”.

New Delhi:

Terming the ongoing conflict in Sudan as “sensitive”, Sudan’s Ambassador to India Abdullah Omar Bashir ElHussein appreciated India’s response and its prompt action to bring back its nationals stranded in Sudan after the conflict broke out in the country .

“The evacuation process which began a few days ago is going on successfully so far. We took advantage of the ceasefire over the past few days and most of the diplomatic missions, including those of the European Union, the US, France and Jordan, have been evacuated. “The evacuation of Indian nationals has begun, and in fact, we are working closely with the Ministry of External Affairs in India to arrange and coordinate this operation. The estimated Indian nationals in Sudan are around 3000.” said the Sudanese envoy in an interview with ANI.

He also said, “Evacuation operations started from Sudan Port. An estimated 300-500 Indian nationals have been evacuated from the ship and other evacuation procedures are underway. The evacuation process is a very sensitive process due to the political situation, ceasefire violations Reasons. Due to the distance between Khartoum and Port Sudan, where most of the Indian nationals are staying, which is about 1000 kms, they will have to go by road. Therefore, it is very clear and obvious that for this a lot of arrangements and Coordination is needed. We provided safety and security for the convoy moving from Khartoum to Sudan. Hopefully, this operation will continue till all Indian nationals are back safely to their homes and their families.”

Operation Kaveri was launched by India to evacuate Indians stranded in Sudan, where the Sudanese army and paramilitary groups are fighting. The Indian Navy has also joined Operation Kaveri, with INS Teg reaching Port Sudan on Tuesday with additional officers and essential relief material.

“I think I will appreciate and be impressed by the response of the Indian authorities, and especially those in the Ministry of External Affairs. I have been working closely 24 hours a day and we have done really well in coordinating cooperation, providing necessary support. work done.” Permits for planes, permits for ships to take off and land in Sudan and bring back Indian nationals.”

Speaking about the current situation, the Sudanese envoy said that there are still violations from the rebel side but the ceasefire is better than the previous one.

“With regard to the ground situation, I think the most important development is that we are now looking at the fourth ceasefire. The previous three ceasefires were not so successful. But the fourth one, which is going on now, is holding relatively on the ground. My Meaning, there are still violations from the rebel side. But the ceasefire is better than the previous one,” said the Sudanese envoy.

“I think it’s understood that insecurity, during such a situation of conflict, one of the scariest things is to get, for example, our people from shelter to the port of evacuation, to the airport or Port Sudan So, it’s actually a very challenging operation, the evacuation of civilians during this time of uncertainty of conflicts, it’s very sensitive and I think, the problems we faced during this operation is relatively reasonable “, They said.

Talking further on the decades-old ties, the envoy said that the ties between the two are very old and this conflict will not have any negative impact on the ties.

“India and Sudan have very deep relations, I don’t want to talk about history, but India and Sudan also enjoy a very excellent bilateral relationship since the independence of Sudan in 1956. And even Sudan also participated in the Non-Aligned Movement before independence in 1955. India is a major player in that movement, and it maintained its relations with third world countries even after the end of the Cold War in the 1990s of the last century .

As India and Sudan have a lot of similarities, cultural similarities and diversification, he highlighted that the Indians who came to the northeast African country 100 years ago are now Sudanese.

“India and Sudan have a very special relationship in Sudan also. We have a Sudanese community originally from India, they came to Sudan 100 years back, and they are living there and now they are Sudanese. It has been a special and very strong relationship with India over the years since our independence in 1956. And we hope that it will continue in the future as well.”

Speaking about mediation offered by any country, the envoy said there were some reports of attention being sought by the United States and Saudi Arabia but it has not materialised”.

“There are some reports about mediation by the United States and Saudi Arabia. But it is still going on, I mean not materialized yet. Peace mediation offered by the African Union and Kenya, South Sudan and the three leaders Djibouti expressed its interest and intention to visit Sudan, mediate, but due to the security situation and difficulties in reaching Sudan and we hope that everything will be possible in the coming future”. They said.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)