Women’s Day 2022: 5 Fruits And Why They Are Women’s Best Friend

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on 8 March to remember women and their achievements. While we usually gift chocolates and roses to the special women in our lives on other occasions, why not help them with a dose of health on this special day? Women, who are shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts in both workplace and family matters, have additional gender specific issues to deal with. Irregular menstrual problems, pregnancy complications, pill intake, hormonal therapy, among others, can affect their overall health. While these issues may seem impossible to deal with, it is nothing that some healthy lifestyle and dietary changes cannot solve.

The good news is that with a few dietary changes, women can move toward better health, both from the inside out. We’ve heard about the many benefits of a healthy diet, however, what exactly do these healthy foods do for you? Unclear? Here is a list of fruits and their benefits on women’s health. Add these to your daily diet and move towards a healthier tomorrow:

(Also read: Celeb fitness instructor Yasmin Karachiwala shares 5 health tips for women,

Heart health: Make seasonal fruits a part of your daily diet
photo credit: iStock

5 fruits that are women’s best friends:

1. Apples:

Women, men or children, there is no gender or age group that does not benefit the humble apple! However, if we only narrow down the benefits of apple for women’s health, it is known to help with weight loss, heart health and diabetes. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that women who regularly ate apples had a 13 to 22 percent lower risk of coronary disease than those who did not eat the crunchy fruit.

2. Amla:

Dr Yuvakshi Juneja, Department of Gynecology, Moolchand Hospital reminds that it is extremely important for women to control iron consumption. The most common cause of iron deficiency in women is the lack of iron in the blood during menstruation. Dr Juneja further suggests, “Women are more prone to iron deficiency because of the way we Indians cook our food. Most of the iron is lost and destroyed during cooking, so regular cooking It is important to include berries like amla in the diet.”

3. Pomegranate:

Pomegranates are one of the many benefits for almost everyone, which is beneficial for women in that they respond to your hot flashes and night sweats during or before menopause, as well as improve skin health. Actress Bhagyashree is also known to believe in the powers of pomegranate and has a video on her Instagram profile explaining why. While antioxidants present in food have many benefits, In the video, Bhagyashree can be heard saying Which is especially great for skin health. “Pomegranate can be called the elixir of youth,” says Bhagyashree.

4. Cherry:

Draining energy is another concern that begins to impact Women in their 30s and beyond, Cherries may be the answer to situations like this. Cherries are known to combat several health problems that are common in middle-aged women like gout and arthritis. In addition, they are a rich source of the antioxidant anthocyanins that boost energy. Eat a dozen cherries or drink a glass of unsweetened juice three or four times a week. Better still, eat fresh cherries with yogurt to ensure absorption of beneficial vitamins.

(Also read: 9 Fruits and Vegetables That Have More Vitamin C Than Oranges,

5. Fruits Rich in Vitamin C:

Oranges, lemons and grapes are known for their vitamin C content which in turn helps in boosting immunity. Along with these, other citrus fruits also help in controlling the level of cholesterol which helps us to stay away from heart diseases. The book ‘Healing Foods’ published by DK Publishing House says, “Citrus fruits contain hesperidin, which may reduce symptoms of high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, “unhealthy” (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. Antioxidant flavones also May reduce the risk of stroke in women.”

So ladies, what are you waiting for? Start adding these fruits to your diet to enjoy the benefits of these fruits. Happy Women’s Day 2022 to each of you!