World EV Day: Role of EVs and decarbonisation in the path to Net Zero – Times of India

This article is written by Anoop GargFounder and Director, world of circular economy (WOCE)
Among India’s five climate targets at the COP26 summit in November last year, Prime Minister Modi vowed to reduce carbon emissions by 1 billion tonnes and the emission intensity of GDP by 45% by 2030. It implies a clear path for India to follow, whether it is about inter-sectoral contribution of states or various industries and businesses or bringing about behavioral change at the individual as well as institutional level.
The climate targets signal our country’s serious intent, which means transformative actions in the energy sector, as it contributes three-quarters of the country’s greenhouse (GHG) emissions, of which 93 percent are carbon dioxide emissions.

what should we do?
Adoption of renewable sources of energy will prove beneficial here. In addition, new energy storage solutions and technologies can bring stability and flexibility to the grid. Therefore, collaborations for investment in R&D of new technologies are important here.
And in short, one of the primary sources of emissions in India is the transport industry. Without immediate electrification of vehicle fleets, transportation-related emissions will increase by 2050, causing irreversible damage to the climate.
Thus, it is important to develop an EV ecosystem with significant interventions, which include,
– Charging infrastructure at public places, corporate offices and national highways,
– EV charging powered by renewable energy,
– Electrification of last mile connectivity, and most importantly,
– To create an awareness of our responsibility for damages caused, intentionally or unintentionally, to the environment, which must be captured, calculated and offset.
world EV day It falls on 9 September every year, marking the celebration of e-mobility. On this World EV Day, it is important for all stakeholders of the industry in India to reinforce and consolidate their commitment to sustainability, especially in normal and sustainable mobility. So let’s see how we can talk, starting with the origins of EVs and ending with the idea that sustainable mobility by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2070 is the future.

EVs: from origin to current date
The origins of EVs date back to the 1830s. The first battery-powered EV was built in 1834, nearly 50 years before the first petrol-powered internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV). But electric vehicles were soon succeeded by internal-combustion-engine vehicles (ICEVs) because EVs could not keep up with them, as they were cheaper, faster and lasted longer. But in the 1990s, EVs came back to life again, thanks to the development of energy-dense and lightweight lithium-ion batteries.
Lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology has evolved greatly over the years and is advancing rapidly. Over the past decade, the price of LIBs has decreased significantly from USD 1100/kWh to around USD 150/kWh and is projected to cost around USD 100/kWh by 2030. In addition, the recently developed ‘Extreme Fast Charging’ technology promises to reduce the charging time to 10 minutes for a drive of 320 km, prompting a faster adoption of electric cars.
Despite reasonable profits and an optimistic growth outlook, electric vehicles face some significant challenges. The first of these various reasons is affordability. Electric cars are more expensive than their fossil-fueled counterparts. Therefore, it is not surprising that the majority of electric cars are sold in countries with high GDP. Apart from China, the highest number of EV sales are reported in OECD countries. Even within the European Union, 85% of sales take place in only six Western European countries.
The second is the charging infrastructure. Third is clean energy, that is, energy production must be free of fossil fuels in order for EVs to run truly emission-free. Fourth is the challenge related to material resources. Although EV tailpipes are pollution-free and can run on green energy, their production constitutes a significant portion of their total lifecycle environmental impacts. And, this is mainly due to the physical resources used in EV batteries, which require more effort to drain. Thus, it is important to create a circular system to promote reuse and recycling of EV batteries.
opportunities for behavior change
Despite the announced challenges, it is fair to say that India has been realistic in its net-zero journey and has promised to reduce its emissions to near zero by 2070. While the net zero targets of 2070 may have disappointed activists and experts in Glasgow, it is still a bold move for a country like India, with coal currently accounting for more than 70% of India’s electricity generation.
India is the world’s fourth largest emitter of carbon dioxide after China, the US and the European Union, however, it is important to note that its per capita emissions are higher than those of other major world economies (US: 15.5, China: 8.1, EU). It is very little. :6.5 and India:1.9 tonnes).
While India is committed to adding 500 GW of non-fossil energy capacity by 2030, our Prime Minister urged fellow world leaders to underline the need for lifestyle and behavior change as the biggest solution to climate change. Given India’s population, if everyone can make subtle changes in their lifestyle, together we can make a big impact and help India’s journey to zero.
Transportation is the fastest growing major contributor to global climate change, accounting for 23% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. But EV leakage alone won’t help. People should start thinking about their responsibility towards the environment and act accordingly.
For example, a non-vegetarian diet will generate 2.5 times more emissions than a vegetarian diet. Using more public transportation or carpools can help reduce personal carbon footprint. There are a few simple steps you can take to start buying more sustainable products, such as avoiding plastic.
Capture-Offset Carbon Footprint
There is a dire need to create awareness about the availability of tools and solutions that can capture the carbon footprint and help individuals become responsible. Availability of apps (such as the Carbon Book app, which is currently only available on the iOS version; will also be launched on Android soon) and technologies that allow individuals to track emissions savings by switching to EV vehicles (both personal and public transport) enables to do. , help them locate the nearest EV charging facility, and expand market partnerships with EV industry vendors, which can prove to be catalysts for the nation’s decarbonization goals.
If India wants to achieve a net zero future, it is important to understand the philosophy of “that which cannot be measured, cannot be managed”. It is important to change the behavior of people/organizations so that they take responsibility for their actions, which harm the ecosystem by capturing and calculating carbon emissions and converting them to travel in EVs, reducing electricity usage, planting Huh. Investing in trees or green projects, etc. Instruments that measure carbon emissions could be the beginning of a process of changing the mindset and bringing consciousness that sustainability is not an option but will be a way of life that we will all lead.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the original author and do not represent those of The Times Group or any of its employees.