World Food Day 2022: Date, Theme, Importance and Foods Required for Daily Diet

Being able to eat a healthy, nutritious diet is one of the most basic human needs. As easy as it sounds, millions of people do not even get enough food in a day. Many people around the world face hunger and malnutrition. World Food Day, which is observed every year on 16 October, focuses on the global food crisis and why it is the need of the hour to improve this situation. The day emphasizes on the value of food and why it should be easily available to every individual.

World Food Day 2022: Date and Theme
World Food Day is celebrated annually on 16 October to highlight the millions of people around the world who cannot afford a healthy diet and who need nutritious food. The theme of 2022 is ‘Leave no one behind’.

World Food Day 2022: Significance
World Food Day was originally celebrated in the year 1979 to mark the day of the establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Over the years, it gradually became a way to raise awareness of hunger, sustainability, food production, and malnutrition.

World Food Day 2022: Food for the Daily Diet

1. Protein
Protein is essential for healthy growth and development as well as maintaining muscle mass. It also helps to balance blood sugar levels and avoid spikes that occur after consuming carbohydrates. Eating protein can help people maintain their energy level and concentration.

2. Fiber
Fiber is incredibly important for the healthy functioning of the body. It is a plant-based nutrient that helps keep the digestive system clean and healthy. Your diet should contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Vegetables like broccoli, green peas, Brussels sprouts, carrots, along with seeds and nuts are rich in fiber.

3. Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals keep the body healthy and functioning. They also protect against many diseases. You can adopt a comprehensive healthy diet with the right amounts of fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains, low-fat protein and dairy products.

4. Fat
Fat is often associated with weight gain but the body requires a certain amount of fat from foods. People ignore fat from their diet. But the reality is that fat gives you the energy to function. Olive oil, coconut oil, seeds and nuts, foods rich in omega-3s are some of the sources of healthy fats.

5. Water
Adequate hydration is essential for your body to function. It boosts energy levels, keeps your skin glowing and aids in digestion. Above all, water detoxifies your body.