World Malaria Day: How to detect the first signs of malaria?

World Malaria Day: High fever and chills due to malaria


  • Malaria can be transmitted from a mother to an unborn child
  • Wear clothes that cover you well to avoid my mosquito bites
  • Use mosquito repellants on the skin to prevent malaria

April 25 is observed as World Malaria Day. Malaria A disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to humans by mosquito bites. People who have malaria usually have a high fever, experience shivering and feel very sick. On the occasion of World Malaria Day, we take a look at common causes, signs and symptoms of malaria, and top tips for prevention. Apart from fever and chills, malaria also causes headache, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, fatigue, and chest pain. cough and sweat.

Read also: 5 reasons why a mosquito bites you and not others

World Malaria Day: How to detect the causes and first symptoms of malaria

Malaria is most commonly spread through mosquito bites. Mosquitoes get infected by eating a person suffering from malaria. In future when this mosquito bites you, it has a tendency to transmit the malaria parasite to you. When these parasites enter your body, they travel to your liver, where some of them can lie dormant for an entire year. When these parasites mature, they can infect red blood cells. This is the stage when people start developing symptoms of malaria.

At this stage, if an infected mosquito bites you, it becomes infected with malaria parasites and can spread them to other people it bites.

Malaria can also be spread from mother to unborn child, by sharing needles used for blood transfusions and injection of drugs.


World Malaria Day is observed on 25 April
photo credit: iStock

Read also: 6 most dangerous diseases spread by mosquitoes

prevention of malaria

Malaria can be prevented by avoiding travel to areas where the incidence of the disease is high, such as in tropical and sub-tropical regions. People most at risk of getting malaria include older adults, young children, and infants. pregnant woman and their unborn children, travelers coming from areas where there is no malaria.

To prevent malaria, make sure you wear clothing that covers you properly, especially if you’re going to be in damp areas where mosquitoes can breed. apply insect repellent to yourself skin And on clothes too. During times when malaria outbreaks are high around you, sleep under a net.

Read also: Malaria Home Remedies: 5 Most Effective Home Remedies To Cure It

Anyone who shows symptoms of malaria should go for diagnosis immediately. A parasite test is important for malaria diagnosis.

On this World Malaria Day, try to spread as much awareness about malaria and adopt preventive measures at all times.

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.