World Malaria Day: These will be 5 questions to drive away this day, there will be mosquitoes to touch in few

Mosquito Remedies: Know from these heirs.

special things

  • 25 April for the holiday.
  • machthury many big big big kaya kaya kayairan bante hai hai hai
  • related to anything.

World Malaria Day: Every weather level had worsened till 25 April. It gets worse due to bad weather. From the Indian side it has become worse. It can be placed in distress to prevent crises. It is dangerous in terms of crisis.

this also further


photo credit: iStock

5 home remedies to cure 5 home remedies to get rid of mosquitoes

It can be closed either way. These are all those routirons r ko r d r du r du r du r du Dengue Dengue Dengue r Du Du r Du Du r Du Du r Du Du r Du Du r Du


In removing Corona. ways to use. You control all kinds of shivering in the house. ️ will see the half


Mosquitoes Mosquitoes ️ Its ️ Its ️ Mosquitoes Get credit near the house too. Toilets, if they be like this in India, they remain the same.


Only after the update… in Pakistan’s Pakistan.


Mint ki kirah tulsi tulsi too mach bhi ktaur ko ko kayaur mein mein mein mein mein ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko.

long and lin

This is the most dangerous of the editors to be exterminated. Linen (lemon). These lemons should be kept in every corner of the house. will be part of the journey.

Disclaimer: The content included in the blog is general information only. It is not a substitute for any type of doctor. Always consult an expert or doctor for more details. Claiming for news TV information.

In Mumbai’s Bandra