World Mental Health Day 2022: 10 Effective Strategies to Reduce Stress

World Mental Health Day 2022: Despite the negative effects of stress on our lives, we refuse to accept the possibility that it can lead to mental health problems. It is important to understand the ways that stressful situations can be mitigated because our hectic schedules and countless responsibilities have contributed significantly to this situation. From minor challenges to major crises, stress is a natural aspect of life. Even if you have no control over your environment, you always have the power to control how you react to it.

However, there is no one stress-reduction strategy that works for everyone. It is possible that what works for one person may not work for another. As a result, it is important to have a variety of stress reduction strategies at your disposal. Here are some tips to lead a stress free life.

Instant Stress Relief Strategies

It’s important to have some stress reduction techniques that you can use right away, whether you’re on your way to a job interview or you’re feeling overwhelmed by your child’s behavior at the playground.

1. laugh

Yes, you heard, laugh! Laugh out loud at a joke told by friends or an amusing YouTube video. Laughter lowers hormone levels, lowers blood pressure, and releases endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers.

2. walk

Even a short 10-minute walk around the office will increase blood flow and heart activity, thereby reducing stress. Even better, the weather allows us to take a walk outside where we can experience nature and the change in environment will help you stop the unpleasant thoughts temporarily. Taking your dog for a walk when you’re at home is another way for the animal to relax.

3. Guided Imagery

Guided imagery is akin to taking a little mental vacation. Imagine yourself in your “happy place,” perhaps sitting on the beach taking in the sound of the waves, the scent of the water, and the warmth of the sand beneath your feet. Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine a peaceful environment.

4. Intimacy

Physical touch can reduce your stress to a great extent. There are many benefits to hugging a loved one. Social interaction, physical contact, touch, endorphins, and hormones and chemicals produced during physical activity are all excellent stress relievers. Oxytocin—a happy hormone that lowers heart rate and blood pressure—can also be released during hugging and kissing your partner.

5. Read

When one enters an imaginary world through a book, the mind enjoys seeing scenes of objects, events and characters. The mind enjoys a mental escape from fiction, non-fiction and even an interesting journal.

6. Aromatherapy

Some fragrances have a very calming effect. Everything from oils to air fresheners to candles is accessible. Anxiety-reducing and sleep-enhancing scents include lavender, rose, lemongrass, cinnamon, sandalwood and orange blossom.

7. Music

Soothing music can slow down the physiological processes in the body. People who are anxious will feel less stressed when listening to music, especially gray music. Additionally, music has been associated with reducing sadness, reducing burnout, and enhancing mood.

8. Draw

Adult coloring books have become extremely popular, and drawing and coloring can easily divert the mind. They benefit from a mental state known as “flow,” which occurs when a person is so completely immersed in something that he or she is almost meditative. This calm and mind-blowing mindset is beneficial for hobbies such as drawing, gardening, and hiking. M Many complex patterns require planning and thinking to complete.

9. Find Calm

Sit outside in a quiet room, away from workplace noise. Get some headphones that block the sound. Turning off the TV, radio, podcasts, work sounds and conversations, or traffic can help relax the brain and reduce stress. Additionally, silence triggers the brain’s “self-created cognition” mode, which is stress-relieving mental processes such as daydreaming, memory retrieval, and thought formation.

10. Unplug

Being available and connected all the time can be really stressful. Disconnect for a specific number of hours each day. Use the “Screen Time” function on your phone to restrict interruptions during private time. To take it a step further, plan a media detox, such as a mobile phone-free weekend or a day without social media or TV.

Also read: World Mental Health Day 2022: The link between mental health and chronic physical conditions

While one must follow other practices such as deep breathing, avoiding excessive job goals, eating a balanced diet, etc., it is the well-being and satisfaction of the mind that will result in a better and stress-free life.