World Migratory Bird Day 2022: Great Indian Bustard to Bengal Florican, a look at endangered migratory birds

World Migratory Bird Day is observed every year on 8 May and 9 October to spread awareness about the importance of migratory birds and to highlight the need for their conservation. This year’s World Migratory Bird Day 2022 campaign will focus on the theme of “light pollution”. To celebrate this day, we take a look at five different migratory birds.

Read also: World Migratory Bird Day 2022: Theme, History and Significance

Great Indian Bustard

The critically endangered Indian bustard lives in grasslands, is about a meter tall and has a white neck and face and black spots on its head. The plumage is brown with a small black patch and white spots along the wings. Males have a vocal sac that is used for mating displays and deep calls. It is known to migrate annually between India and Pakistan and short distances.

Bengal Florican

The Bengal florican or Bengal bustard found in Manas National Park, Assam and Cambodia is also critically endangered. Adult birds are about 22 inches long and 27 inches long. The head, neck, and body of the male are black with white feathers, while the female, which is larger in size, is dull brown in color with a mottled back. They cover a distance of up to 100 km during floods.

siberian crane

This critically endangered bird is white in appearance, but has a brick-red face and a dark beak. Their black primary feathers can be seen during flight. They breed in the eastern and western wetlands of Russia and migrate to Iran and China in winter.

friendly lapwing

It is critically endangered, found in the grasslands of the Eurasian steppes and bred in Russia and Kazakhstan. They have a black beak, black stripes on the head and white in the center parallel to the eyes. Their neck is yellowish ochre and the wings are brown, white and grey. They migrate to Afghanistan, Middle Eastern countries and India.

fiji petrel

Also critically endangered, this migratory species of Gau Island, Fiji has a very low population and breeding area. It has a dark chocolate-brown color and measures about 30 cm. They migrate in pelagic waters.

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