World Nutrition Day 2022: Date, Significance and 5 Nutritious Indian Recipes

Health and nutrition has become a major focus area for most of us in the post-pandemic era. What we eat and the diet we follow is no longer a neglected part of our daily lives, but a primary concern. We have learned that the food we eat can significantly affect our daily lives and our tolerance for diseases and overall health. The right kind of nutrition means getting all five essential nutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats in balanced proportions. World Nutrition Day 2022 is to spread awareness and bring this aspect to the fore.

When is World Nutrition Day celebrated?

World Nutrition Day is being celebrated across the world on 28 May 2022. It is a day that is marked every year by institutions such as the Spanish Federation of Societies. nutritionFood and Dietetics (FESNAD). They also call this occasion ‘Dia Nacional de la Nutricion’ in Spanish.

Importance of World Nutrition Day 2022

World nutrition day 2022 is to bring attention to the importance of good nutrition. The United Nations has also declared 2016-2025 as the Decade of Action on Nutrition. According to United Nations3 billion people cannot eat a healthy diet and around 768 million people worldwide are malnourished. Furthermore, a healthy and nutritious diet could potentially reduce health costs by up to 97% by 2030.

(Also read: World Nutrition Day: 5 expert tips to enhance the nutrition of your meals,

World Nutrition Day: Try to include all the food groups in your diet for healthy and nutritious food. photo credit: iStock

5 nutritious Indian dishes to celebrate World Nutrition Day

There are so many healthy and nutritious dishes in the Indian diet that we can add to our busy schedules. Even the classic Indian thali contains small portions of all the components of a balanced diet – meat, vegetables, lentils, whole grains and dairy. we found something nutritious Indian dishes that you can cook to celebrate World Nutrition Day. These are dishes that you can prepare for an entire lunch or light breakfast meal.

1. Ragi Khichdi

This delicious khichdi is very nutritious due to the goodness of lentils with ragi or bajra.

2. Moong Dal Handvo

A high-protein steamed cake, make this Moong Dal Handvo for a savory snack or a healthy snack.

(Also read: What is nutritional therapy? How is this important?,


World Nutrition Day: Moong Dal Handvo is a delicious cake made from lentils. Photo: iStock

3. soya poha

Flaky and light poha finds a place in practically every Indian home. With this recipe, you can make it even more nutritious with soya.

4. Flour Dosa

Light and crunchy pancake, this delicious dosa is not only tempting for tastebuds but is also full of good health.

5. Oats Uttapam

The use of oats changes a South Indian breakfast! Try this scrumptious recipe for a nutritious meal.

(Also read: Nutrition Tips to Remember in Your 20s When You Prepare for Your 30s,


World Nutrition Day: Nutritious and full of vegetables, this Oats Uttapam is a must try!

Happy World Nutrition Day 2022!