World Photography Day: What does it take to capture the perfect moment – Times of India

, Khalid Wani
Short video platforms are becoming increasingly popular. Content consumers are turning into content producers; There are currently over 50 million content creators worldwide, with over two million professional individual creators creating content full-time. Whether established artists, journalists, or emerging voices, these content creators are enriching our world and can inspire us. Also, content creators are constantly trying to stand out and increase their reach through the richness and freshness of their content.
challenges of UHD Subject
According to Statista, Indians spend an average of two hours and 36 minutes a day on social media platforms. 2 Every day, millions of content pieces are created by thousands of creators, while new platforms and formats are increasingly being introduced. As content creators try to enhance the quality of their content to gain a large following, they move to professional DSLR/mirrorless cameras or high-end smartphones. This means shooting in the highest quality possible – in 4K and even 8K. 4K usually refers to a display device or content that has a horizontal resolution of about 4,000 pixels and a vertical resolution of up to 2,000 pixels, while 8K is about 8,000 pixels horizontally and over 4,000 pixels vertically. Both 4K and 8K are known as Ultra-High Definition (UHD). 8K is also sixteen times higher definition than standard HD and four times higher definition than 4K.
While the latest cameras and smartphones are capable of capturing high-quality content, managing and storing the increasing file size of such UHD content can become a challenge. In other words, a video shot in 8K is going to be very heavy and will require a lot more digital storage than a similar-length video shot in standard quality. However, the makers still want to shoot in higher resolution, as it will deliver the unmatched clarity and sharpness that their followers have come to expect.
Data storage solutions are as important as cameras or smartphones
A lack of storage could spell disaster for content creators. When they’re capturing moments, they won’t want to be interrupted by unreliable or insufficient storage, as this could mean either deleting some of the content on their device to accommodate the new pictures and videos, or Capturing something that can be an attention-grabbing moment is to be missed. Additionally, capturing, preserving and processing UHD content requires high-performance and reliable storage solutions. There are various on-the-go solutions available to content creators, such as portable SSDs, SD cards, and microSDTM cards. For example, SanDisk The Xtreme Pro SDXC UHS-II cards offer the performance that professional photographers and videographers need to streamline a creative project from pre-to-post-production.
Talking about storage solutions, there are many options from SD card to cloud storage to SSD and HDD. However, it is important to understand the needs or use cases and invest in the right storage solution accordingly so that you can capture and share your best moments with the world.
(Khalid Wani is Senior Director India, SE Asia, Western Digital)

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