World Pneumonia Day: Take care of your respiratory health this winter with these tips

respiratory disease: Winter season is going on. While the monsoon season has already taken a toll on human health, it will be difficult for people if winter brings with it more problems. During the season, people have to deal with cold and cough and sometimes fall prey to other diseases like pneumonia. While pneumonia can affect any person at any time of the year, it is most likely to cause problems in particularly cold weather.

Maintain your respiratory health this winter season by following these tips:

1. To control the body temperature, put warm clothes comfortably on your body.

2. Keep washing your hands and make sure they are free of germs. Do not touch your mouth, nose or eyes with dirty hands.

3. Prefer indoor activities and exercise instead of jogging as pollution can negatively impact your respiratory health.

4. Indulge yourself in breathing exercises to keep your lungs healthy.

5. Make sure your home is clean and free of dust, mold and allergens.

6. Avoid smoking and going to crowded places.

7. Try getting an air purifier or humidifier for yourself.

8. Keep yourself hydrated and take steam at least once a day.

9. Eat a nutritious diet that includes fruits, vegetables and proteins. Apart from this, citrus fruits and turmeric also prove to be beneficial for your immunity.

10. Avoid junk food. Processed, fried, oily and canned food can irritate the throat.

11. Get the flu and pneumonia vaccines as prescribed by the doctor.