World Sleep Day 2023: Foods linked to lack of sleep

Foods linked to lack of sleep: There can be many reasons for not getting enough sleep and waking up in a bad mood. From having negative thoughts to eating unhealthy can affect our sleep. Sleep and diet are closely related. The foods we eat can affect the quality and duration of our sleep. Eating a healthy and balanced diet can promote better sleep by controlling blood sugar levels, promoting the production of sleep hormones, reducing inflammation, and supporting a healthy weight. On the other hand, poor sleep can negatively affect metabolism and increase the risk of overeating and unhealthy food choices. That’s why both eating healthy and getting enough sleep are important.

Tanisha Bawa, Certified Nutrition Coach, and Founder of TAN|365 reveals which foods are linked to lack of sleep and what to avoid for peaceful and refreshing sleep.

Avoid eating before sleeping


This isn’t exactly a revolutionary fact, but it’s important to understand how caffeine can affect you. Caffeine delays the onset of adenosine which makes you feel tired throughout the day. It also delays the onset of GABA, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel calm and ready for sleep. Make sure you are not consuming caffeine late in the evening.

Also read: World Sleep Day 2023: How many hours of sleep is necessary for a healthy lifestyle?

sweet food

Foods that contain sugar tend to raise your blood sugar and this can negatively affect sleep. This delays the onset of your sleep hormone melatonin, making it harder for you to fall asleep. Additionally, when you consume sugar near bed, you will suffer a blood sugar crash after the spike, which will make you feel hungrier and eat more carbs and sugar.


Consumption of alcohol can disturb your sleep. This will not let you get the deep quality sleep that is needed to recharge and restore your body.

refined carbohydrates

Refined carbs like pizza, pasta, white flour products like bagels, bread etc., can cause lack of sleep as they are devoid of fiber and raise your blood sugar very quickly and this helps in controlling blood sugar To increase your insulin levels. When insulin is high, it triggers our stress hormone cortisol which helps our body respond to stress and this interferes with our sleep.

Therefore, make sure to eat meals with complex carbs like quinoa, millet and vegetables and protein to ensure that you are satiated and this will help to effectively induce your sleep hormone melatonin.