World Sleep Day 2023: Theme, History, Significance and Quotes to Share

published by, essay humor

Last Update: March 16, 2023, 18:30 IST

This year the theme of World Sleep Day is ‘Sleep is essential for health’. (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

World Sleep Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of good sleep and promoting healthy sleep habits

World Sleep Day 2023: World Sleep Day is observed annually on the third Friday of March. This year, the event falls on 17 March. The day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of good sleep and promoting healthy sleeping habits. Sleep Day was created by the World Sleep Society in 2008 and since then, it is celebrated in countries around the world.

Despite the important role of sleep in maintaining good health and well-being, in many areas of the world it is considered a luxury rather than a basic necessity. Unfortunately, the consequences of insufficient sleep are often overlooked. To raise awareness of the importance of rest, World Sleep Day has been officially recognized since 2008 and is celebrated every year.

World Sleep Day: History

A group of health professionals and researchers specializing in sleep medicine started an annual awareness event known as World Sleep Day. The primary purpose of the event was to promote and disseminate information about sleep disorders around the world, bringing together healthcare providers to discuss and raise awareness about the importance of sleep.

Liborio Parino, MD, associate professor of neurology at the University of Parma, Italy, and Antonio Culebras, MD, professor of neurology at Upstate Medical University and consultant at The Sleep Center, Community General Hospital, Syracuse, New York, USA, as previously reported. had worked. Co-Chair of World Sleep Day.

World Sleep Day 2023: Theme

This year the theme of World Sleep Day is ‘Sleep is essential for health’. It stresses the importance of sleep as an essential element in maintaining physical, mental and social well-being, just like eating well and exercising. Despite its important role, sleep is not yet widely recognized as an important behavior for good health. The day provides a platform for many sleep health professionals and advocates to raise awareness about the importance of sleep health.

World Sleep Day 2023: Significance

Sleep medicine experts and researchers have repeatedly stated that good sleep is vital to a person’s health and well-being and should be a priority. The organizers of this awareness campaign also intended to highlight the importance of maintaining healthy sleep habits.

World Sleep Day 2023: Quotes

  1. “True silence is the rest of the mind—and is to the soul what sleep, nourishment and refreshment are to the body.” , William Penn
  2. “A soul immersed in sleep is also hard at work and helps to make the world something.” , Heraclitus
  3. “Sleep is the best meditation.” , Dalai Lama
  4. “Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep.” , mesut barzani
  5. “Life is something when you can’t sleep.” , fran lebovitz

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