World UFO Day 2022: History, Significance and all you need to know

World UFO Day 2022: Do aliens exist? This question has long led mankind to various theories and speculations. Linked to this formula, is the theory that suggests the existence of unidentified flying objects, popularly known as UFOs.

To raise awareness and draw attention to them, July 2 is celebrated as World UFO Day. The presence of alien life is mainly argued by UFOs and, as a result, a considerable number of people are very interested, if not convinced, in exploring the depths of this concept.

World UFO Day provides an opportunity for these explorers and enthusiasts to discuss, decode and decipher the many theories related to UFOs.

World UFO Day: History

World UFO Day commemorates two important days that marked the first time widely reported UFO sightings in the world. The first sighting was reported on June 24, 1947, when an aviator named Kenneth Arnold claimed to have seen what looked like a flying saucer. The scene shaped the story of the UFO as a widely accepted presence with a disc.

The second major incident of UFO talk occurred on July 2 in Roswell, New Mexico. A farm owner named William Brazel noticed rubble scattered around his pasture. The debris is believed to have fallen from a UFO crash. The incident became front page news in the Roswell Daily Record. World UFO Day marks events that sparked curiosity on alien life.

World UFO Day: Significance

The day is celebrated to accept all theories related to UFOs, although there is no conclusive evidence to support the sightings. On this day, space enthusiasts let their imagination run wild and have themed parties. Many go on exploratory hunting and research in hopes of finding evidence of UFOs.

Recently, residents of San Diego noticed mysterious lights in the sky. Social media was flooded with pictures and videos of moving lights, with what was claimed to be a UFO. The San Diego Police Department, however, maintains that the mysterious lights were being used for military exercises.

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