Worried about acne? Here are some foods you should avoid

To prevent acne, you also need to avoid certain foods.

To prevent acne, you also need to avoid certain foods.

Acne can be reduced if you keep yourself hydrated and eat less spices and oily food.

Pimples and acne are common during the monsoon season. People with oily skin are more prone to this problem than those with dry skin. A large part of this problem is due to wrong eating habits. According to experts, if you keep yourself hydrated and eat food with minimum spices and oil, then acne can be reduced. To prevent acne, you also need to avoid certain foods.

Avoid flour and sugar:

Pimples can be avoided by reducing the intake of flour and sugar. These things increase the level of insulin in the body. Reduce your intake of white bread, white rice and sugar as much as possible. Not only do they work to increase insulin, but they also contain high glycemic carbohydrates that can cause acne.

dairy products

Dairy products like full-fat yogurt, cheese, milk and ice cream act as triggers and increase acne. Dairy contains casein which increases the levels of these hormones. It activates the oil glands of our skin, thereby increasing sebum which gives rise to acne.


If you consume sugar-free chocolate or dark chocolate, then it does not cause any problem. However, beware of normal milk chocolates which can cause acne.

High Glycemic Index Foods

According to several researchers, the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index can lead to inflammation of the skin, resulting in pimples.

omega-6 fatty acids

Although fatty acids are considered good for the skin, they can cause acne when consumed in excess.

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