Xi Jinping expresses concern to Shahbaz Sharif about the safety of Chinese citizens in Pakistan

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday expressed his “great concern” about the safety of Chinese citizens in Pakistan, and expressed his hope that his all-time partner will provide a credible and safe environment for Chinese institutions in the country. President Xiao He expressed this concern when he met Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif on his official visit to China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing today. China’s official statement said, “President Xi expressed his great concern about the safety of Chinese citizens in Pakistan and expressed the hope that Pakistan would be a reliable and safe haven for Chinese institutions and personnel working on cooperation projects there.” environment will provide.” This follows a recent increase in targeted attacks on Chinese civilians in Pakistan by ethnic insurgent groups. Beijing has expressed concern over Islamabad’s inadequate security measures in the wake of the escalating attacks.

After the Karachi University bombing in April this year, Pakistani media reports state that the Shahbaz Sharif government has decided to bear the security costs of almost all Chinese projects. In a joint statement today, both sides expressed their determination to counter all threats and designs against CPEC and the China-Pakistan friendship.

“Pakistan reaffirmed its commitment to the security of all Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan. The Chinese side appreciated Pakistan’s determination and vigorous measures in this regard,” the statement said. During his meeting with Xi, Shahbaz Sharif congratulated Xi on the successful conclusion of the 20th CPC National Congress. “He commended the central role of the CPC and its leadership in promoting China’s development, prosperity and national rejuvenation,” the statement said.

They reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to further strengthen and deepen the “All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership” and to enhance practical cooperation in all fields. The two sides also exchanged views on bilateral relations as well as the regional situation and the international political scenario.

The two sides agreed on the importance of an all-weather strategic cooperation partnership for China-Pakistan amid emerging global challenges. The meetings were marked by traditional warmth, mutual strategic trust and equality of views,” the statement read.

In the joint statement, both sides also raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.

“The Pakistani side briefed the Chinese side on the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. The Chinese side reiterated that the Kashmir issue was a dispute left over from history to be resolved fairly and peacefully on the basis of the United Nations Charter, relevant UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral Must be resolved by agreement,” the statement added.