Xi Jinping’s politics is leaving China’s rich flush with cash

CThe rich citizens of Hina are chalk UP plan to go to others The country remains complicated as domestic politics on the mainland. Chinese citizens are looking for ways to physically move overseas rather than just relocateI their wealth through investment.

are again on chat groups platforms like github Where running away from china Is A phenomenon described as ‘runology’. But now China’s wealthy are joining the chorus to move elsewhere.

Japan, Singapore and some South East Asian countries A favorite destination for the wealthy who have seen the Chinese government invade their private spaces to justify epidemic control actions.

Before that, will invest in sugar America, Canada and Europe to transfer their accumulated wealth Three decades of economic development. But this trend slowed during Trump’s presidency as geopolitical competition between Beijing and Washington resulted in fears among the wealthy in Western countries. And The ‘racial’ response after the onslaught of the Covid pandemic.

US, Australia, Canada and Europe no longer top destinations for wealthy Chinese as geopolitics domestic concerns Asset bubbles have been introduced for circulation of capital.

But even when wealthy Chinese invested their money in Canada or Portugal, they weren’t physically relocating. Business investment visas were an asset diversification strategy in Western countries, which appears to be changing as some wealthy Chinese find China’s domestic politics fraught with uncertainty.

Read also: China’s billionaire comrades: even Jack Ma must swear loyalty to the CPC in order to do business

New Destinations – Japan, Singapore

Japan, one of the destinations favored by wealthy Chinese, may seem aggressive towards Beijing on the foreign policy front, but Tokyo seems to have no qualms about China’s wealthy pouring their money into its economy.

A Chinese businesswoman who has lived in Japan for nearly three decades, in one interview To wall street journal, Cited the example of officers forcibly entering a colleague’s apartment in China and spraying disinfectant.

In the past weeks, Jack Ma (his real name is Ma Yun) has appeared in Tokyo after retreating from his business in Beijing as tech crackdown continued with gusto. Later his six-month stay In Japan, Ma was as well Recently seen in Bangkok, where he is learning agricultural techniques for his next venture.

Japan offers a business Investment Visa he rich chinese Use enter country, visa is relatively attractive because a foreigner must make a Investment $40,000 worth as against $800,000 for the US and $1.85 million for Singapore Visa,

Singapore is OneOther destinations where China’s wealthy move their money. Described as the ‘Switzerland of Asia’, Singapore was always pitched as a destination to avoid the geopolitical tussle between the US and China. But it is only now that the investment pitch has gained more currency.

One such example of extreme interest in Singapore is the number of Rolls Royce cars registered in Singapore. Happen Increased between 2021 and 2022 – there is now One year waiting list. Chinese mainland buyers are driving the demand for these cars.

Hong Kong’s dwindling prospects after the passage of the national security law have revived Singapore’s prospects.

“For many years, Singapore has liked to sell itself as the Switzerland of Asia. The new Cold War is finally turning that pitch into reality,” says a former top official. To what extent will Switzerland tolerate being characterized. Reported For Mercedes Ruehl and Leo Lewis financial Times,

Singapore received $8.2 billion in foreign investment in the first six months of 2022, twice as much as Malaysia, the next best performing country. country in South East Asia.

Read also: Xi bringing back Mao’s Cultural Revolution? Much debate on the ‘common prosperity’ goal

Political uncertainty is a major factor

Singapore is particularly attractive because of private wealth managers, who offer a range of investment solutions and tax-saving measures. One popular approach is setting up family offices, which offer tax exemptions.

“Anecdotal evidence is that private companies and family offices are moving to Singapore from the mainland and even from Hong Kong in a big way. Singapore gives them even more freedom than Hong Kong. Property prices have gone up a lot, and school admission [have] There has also been an increase due to Chinese expatriates moving to Singapore. In an interview with the author, Aninda Mitra, Vice President and Head of Asia Macroeconomics and Investment Strategy at BNY Mellon Investment Management in Singapore, said, “Rents have increased because Hong Kong expats have moved out and then followed the Chinese mainland. ”

“In China, political uncertainty has emerged, and Chinese policies have moved in multiple directions, be it on the Covid front or on the technology front. The nationalistic impulse of the new government, which will run the country from March when the new prime minister and politicians step in, is quite evident and adds to the uncertainty. The uncertainty in politics is reflected in the current hedging strategy we see in capital flows out of the Chinese mainland to Japan, Singapore and other countries in the region. Mitra Told Me,

Beijing’s Covid response isn’t the only reason he rich of china Huh It is becoming mobile once again. Chinese state-owned enterprises are taking a larger share of private enterprises. Recently, the Chinese government acquired a ‘golden share’ in two Alibaba units, a strategy to gain control of decision-making in the company’s operations.

“These golden shares, typically equal to about 1% of a firm, are purchased by government-backed funds or companies that receive board representation and/or veto rights over key business decisions,” Reported reuters,

Beijing government is adopting a tough approachWard allocation of funds to sectors it Believes There should be the cooperation of the state. Government recently blocked Listing of ‘red light’ companies – such as restaurant chains – on the country’s stock exchanges to channel funds into certain sectors.

Preferred areas include areas of high technology competition with the US, such as semiconductor chip design, artificial intelligence, and next-generation network technologies, which the two sides are vying to dominate.

of china The rich may be able to escape with their wealth to more favorable places. but given of the country Recent history, Beijing will double Its efforts to survey its citizens outside its borders.

xi JinpingIt will not be easy for the rich to escape from the long-term strategy of using ‘ethno-nationalist power’ outside the region.

The writer is a columnist and freelance journalist. He was previously China media correspondent with the BBC World Service. He is currently a MOFA Taiwan Fellow based in Taipei and tweets @aadilbrar. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Prashant)