Years Through the Discoveries of the Hubble Telescope: The Expansion of the Universe Until the Birth of Stars

After several delays due to technical glitches, the world’s most powerful space telescope detonated its outpost at a distance of 1.5 million kilometers (930,000 miles) from Earth. The James Webb Space Telescope, nearly three decades and billions of dollars in the making, left Earth enclosed in its Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou Space Center in French Guiana. As such, it is widely believed to be the successor to NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. However, astronomers aren’t too keen on comparisons. “Comparing Hubble and Webb is like asking whether you’ll love your second child more than your first,” said Susan Mullally, Webb’s deputy project scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. “Hubble will always be loved for its awe-inspiring images of our universe and will continue to collect important data for astronomers. Webb gives us new and unique eyes of places we have never been able to reach.”

According to the NASA website, Hubble has “made more than one million observations and provided data that astronomers have used to write more than 18,000 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Here are some notable celestial events and objects that Hubble has discovered.” have enabled us to see over the years, according to the website.

a runaway universe

Hubble has enabled scientists to more accurately calculate the current expansion rate of the universe. It was Hubble’s observations, along with ground-based observatories, that led to the Nobel Prize-winning discovery in physics: The universe is not only expanding, but also accelerating. Scientists believe that the acceleration is due to the “dark energy” prevailing in the universe.

evolution of galaxies

Hubble has helped capture the presence of many galaxies that have evolved through cosmic time. This accounts for a colossal revelation: an inevitable collision between our Milky Way galaxy and the neighboring Andromeda galaxy is about to happen 4 billion years from now.

sun beyond worlds

Back in 1990, when Hubble was launched, scientists were not aware of the existence of planets outside our solar system. Now, more than 4,000 extrasolar planets are known to exist, most of them discovered through NASA’s Kepler space observatory and ground-based telescopes. However, Hubble, too, has played an important role in the hunt for this planet.

dark matter

Hubble allows scientists to study the distribution of dark matter in space using gravitational lensing.

birth and death of stars

Hubble’s infrared detectors have enabled scientists to study the birth of thousands of stars. Hubble’s vision penetrated through giant and turbulent nebulae where young and exceptionally bright stars burst to life through a violent process emanating from ultraviolet radiation and shock fronts. It has also allowed a detailed view of the stars that have entered the throes of their deaths.

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