Yoga Day 2022: This has also been implemented

These yogasanas for the eyes-

1. Chakrasana

The speed is accelerated by chakrasana or shining. fast bowler I

Knee Pain: Curing At A Younger Age? I would like these yoga poses,

2. Pacing

Take it easy with your choice and relax. ️️️️️️️️️️️️️ That’s going to be easy.

3. blink

Blink your eyes 10 times quickly. This time and time again, then rest for 20 seconds. Its light to the eyes.

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4. Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama is done to improve eyesight. , Close the lens completely. So to start with one, close the compartment for 2-3 seconds and start again. Even faster than raising the temperature.

5. Rotate Anti-Clockwise

Look to see well for eyesight. Whenever you are active – again and again clockwise. Rest on the computer or computer.

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