Yoga for Healthy Lungs: 12 Powerful Asanas That Can Help You Breathe Better, Keep Flu Away and Lower Blood Pressure

Breathing Exercises: Life is sustained by breath, which is a basic and automatic process. Despite being a naturally occurring process, with a little attention, we can use it to improve our overall well-being and health. Because breathing connects the mind and body, it serves as a cornerstone treatment in mind-body medicine, a pillar to wellness.

Breathing exercises also have many psychological benefits. They provide tremendous benefits in terms of body, mind, spirit and emotions. Breathing exercises greatly aid our ability to de-stress and reduce stress. As a result, our lungs function more effectively.

The Sanskrit word ‘Pranayama’ refers to breath control. It is a method that has its roots in ancient India and is often used in yoga. Controlled breathing is done through the practice of pranayama, which involves breathing in and out according to prescribed rhythms and patterns. Many pranayama techniques for controlling the breath are described in traditional yoga texts.

Breathing exercises can take many forms, each with particular benefits. In this article, we will learn about some of the most popular and widely used breathing yoga asanas and their benefits:

1. Ujjayi / Breath of the Ocean

If you’re struggling with depression, Ocean’s Breath offers an immediate solution to help you get out of the trap. Exhale as you drop your chin, inhale through your mouth, tuck your chin in so that your throat feels slightly constricted and contacts your chest, and then slowly and deliberately inhale through your nose and exhale . This should be done at least five to ten times.

Benefits of Ujjayi:

– It calms the nervous system

– Calms the mind and increases mental sensitivity.

– cures insomnia

– slows down the heart rate

– Lowers blood pressure.

Although it is a calming pranayama, it also has a heating effect which encourages oxidation.

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2. Sheetli

When things get stressful, whether emotionally or at the peak of the summer heat, you can use a cooler to cool yourself down. Roll your tongue like a straw. Hold the inhalation for a few seconds and then exhale it through your nose. Repeat.

Benefits of Sheetli:

– Reduces excessive Pitta.

– Lowers body temperature and eliminates surplus heat.

– Stimulates appetite and encourages healthy digestion.

– Reduces excessive acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

– Provides relief from inflammatory skin disorders.

– Helps reduce inflammation throughout the body.

– Promotes mental peace by calming and calming the mind.

3. Shitkari

The yogic breathing technique Shitkari can help you relax and calm your nerves. The area of ​​your tongue where the tip touches the inner border of your upper palate is where you should curl your tongue back. Close your mouth and take a deep breath through the sides of your rolled tongue. Exhale through your nose. Repeat.

Benefits of Shitkari:

– Overall balance of mind and body.

– It balances the pitta (fire element) of the body.

– boosts mental health

– Removes heat from outside.

– Promotes healthy digestion.

Fever treatment and possible cure.

– Lowers high blood pressure.

– Detoxifies the entire body system and reduces toxins.

4. Bhramari

Use Humming Bee breath if you are trying to relax and relieve any physical tension. Using basic yoga breathing exercises involves inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling forcefully while humming. You can hum by covering your ears with the tip of your index finger. Feel the vibrations within.

Benefits of Bhramari:

-Reduces stress.

– Improves the quality of sleep.

– Increases attention.

– Lowers high blood pressure.

– Improves lung function.

– enhances cognitive function

– Good for substance abuse as it reduces cravings

5. Bastrika

Practice Bastrika Pranayama to relieve stress and tension. Plus, it generates a lot of heat, which can help your body burn calories. Sit in lotus posture and breathe through your nose. As you exhale, try to let your belly act like a “bellows” as your breath moves out of your body. Continue this forcefully for ten breaths, then take a deep breath, hold it and exhale slowly.

Benefits of Bastrika:

– Benefits the respiratory and digestive systems.

– Removes excess phlegm from the lungs.

– Improves blood oxygenation, promoting vitality to all tissues and organs.

– Strengthens and tones the area around the abdomen.

– It calms the mind.

– Energizes the whole body and mind.

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6. Alternate nostril breathing

An example of a pranayama breathing technique is alternate nostril breathing, which involves breathing in through each nostril in turn. This type of breathing is believed to promote brain balance between the right and left hemispheres, leading to a peaceful and focused state of mind.

Benefits of alternate nostril breathing:

– Decreases stress and anxiety

– Improves mental clarity and focus

– balances the nervous system

– Increases energy and vitality

7. Diaphragmatic Breathing

The diaphragm, a muscle at the base of the rib cage, is central to the diaphragmatic breathing technique, commonly referred to as belly breathing. When breathing with the diaphragm, the lungs fill with air as the diaphragm expands and collapses, producing slow, deep breaths.

Benefits of diaphragmatic breathing:

– Decreases stress and anxiety

– Improves sleep quality

– Boosts respiratory and heart health

– boosts the immune system

8. Slow Breathing

It is a technique of breathing slowly and deeply through the nose and out through the mouth. It is a quick and simple approach that can be implemented anytime and anywhere.

Benefits of slow breathing:

– Decreases stress and anxiety

– Improves respiratory function

– lowers blood pressure

– Increases mental clarity and focus

9. Box Breathing

Box breathing is a straightforward but powerful breathing exercise that requires four even breaths, each with a specific count. The process is to inhale for four counts, hold the breath for four counts, exhale for four counts, and hold the breath again for four counts. To reach the required level of relaxation, this exercise is done several times.

Benefits of Box Breathing:

– Decreases stress and anxiety

– Improves sleep quality

– Boosts respiratory and heart health

– Increases mental clarity and focus

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10. 4-7-8 Breathing

4-7-8 yogic breathing, which counts each inhale, pause, and exhale, is simple and efficient. Four counts of inhalation, seven counts of retention of breath and eight counts of exhalation constitute the process. To achieve the required level of relaxation, this exercise must be repeated several times.

Benefits of 4-7-8 Breathing:

– Decreases stress and anxiety

– Improves sleep quality

– Boosts respiratory and heart health

– Increases mental clarity and focus

11. Animal Breath

As the name suggests, animal breathing refers to breathing openly and freely as an animal does, it is said to open up the lungs and improve your overall health. helps to create.

Fluffy breathing: To increase the amount of oxygen getting to your brain, take several short, rapid breaths.

Bumble Bee Breathing: Slow breaths and hums can help lower your heart rate and stress levels.

Lion Breathing: Take long, deep breaths and roar to let out frustration and anger.

Bear’s breath: To create a state of calmness and relaxation, hold your breath.

Crocodile Breathing: Deep abdominal breathing can be done using yoga asanas like Makarasana.

12. Mindful Breathing

Begin with a breath: Take a deep breath in through your nostrils (3 seconds), hold your breath (2 seconds), and take a long exhale through your mouth (4 seconds).

To practice mindful breathing, a person needs:

– Find a quiet place without distractions

– Choose a comfortable position, ideally sitting or lying down

– Focus on breathing, feeling and listening to the body inhale and exhale.

– Let the thoughts go through your mind without passing judgment.

Never replace medical care with breathing exercises. These exercises work best when combined with other treatments. Breathing exercises may be included in pulmonary rehabilitation for lung disorders. The course of treatment may additionally include physical activity, physical therapy, and preventive medication.

Some people will feel stress and anxiety in different ways. Possible treatments include therapy, medication, and mindful exercise. Breathing exercises can help you feel less stressed in stressful situations or when trying to create a regular sleep schedule.

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Breathing exercises can be beneficial for a variety of medical problems, especially stress and anxiety. They work best when they are a regular part of your schedule.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)