Your child may be socially rejected: Here’s how to know – Times of India

Man is a social animal and society plays an important role in shaping the individual. Being ‘rejected’ by society is one of the most distressing feelings and can bring on unhealthy behavior patterns. Social rejection at an early age can have adverse effects and it is important to recognize if your child is a socially rejected creature so that you can help him through the phase. A rejected child is one who is excluded from peer groups. This does not mean that the child is clearly disliked, but it does mean that the child does not identify as one’s ‘best friend’.


A socially rejected child may be identified with behaviors such as withdrawal, anxiety or aggression. These behaviors can serve as a consequence or cause of social rejection. Often, these behaviors can lead to a vicious cycle in which initial rejection can lead to aggression but this aggression leads to prolonged rejection and withdrawal. At times, physical or mental disabilities such as ADHD, autism, social anxiety and OCD can lead to abnormal behavior that can lead to rejection. Sometimes, these behaviors can be observed simply because a person belongs to a different culture or ethnicity.

how to avoid rejection
To help your child avoid rejection, it is important to try and find out the reasons behind your child’s rejection. Helping your child get rid of a habit or behavior that may lead to rejection is the best way to avoid social rejection. If your child faces a linguistic or cultural barrier in society, you should help teach him the common language. If your child has habits such as nose biting, thumb sucking, excessive bragging or interrupting, it is important to help them get rid of these habits so that they can make way for social acceptance.

overcome rejection
Avoiding rejection may help your child, but if your child has already been socially rejected, it is important for you to help her get over the rejection. First and foremost, it is important to identify the behavior patterns that are causing the rejection. It is equally important for your child to be aware of these patterns so that he can see for himself. Working with your child on her strengths and helping her strengthen her positive behavior patterns, interests, and potential friendships. Ask your child to share, answer questions, and talk about topics of common interest and make sure you appreciate it whenever you display positive behavior patterns. Lastly, validating your child’s feelings is very important. Listen to it when it’s feeling rejected and make sure you’re always there for it. These steps can help your child overcome rejection.
