Your personality explained based on your foot size – Times of India

Just how we talk or present ourselves doesn’t say much about our character. Even our physical appearance, which includes the shape of our hands, forehead, eyes, lips and feet, says a lot about our personality. So here is a list to give you an idea of ​​what the shape of your feet says about you as a person.

roman feet

This foot shape is the most common. Here your first three toes are in a straight line and then the graph drops down. It is said that the body of a person with this type of foot is balanced. They are keen to learn new things and are intellectuals. Many travelers have such feet. The only disadvantage is that these people tend to have a lot of pride and are known to be overconfident.

Square feet

If all your toes are in a straight line then what you have is called a farmer’s foot. People with such feet are very analytical. They love to investigate all aspects of anything and everything. These people are very secure about themselves and take very careful decisions.

greek feet

If your second toe is longer than your toes, your feet are Greek in shape. You are sporty, creative and very active. You also like to inspire others. The drawback with them is that they have a tendency to be prone to stress.

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Egyptian feet

If your toes curve starting at your first toe, you have fragile feet, also known as water feet. Such people give more priority to privacy. They shy away from reality and are often impulsive and rebellious.

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