1,673 new Kovid-19 cases were reported in Telangana, one died. Hyderabad News – Times of India

Hyderabad: Telangana 1,673 fresh coronavirus cases were reported on Sunday, taking the total to 6,94,030, while the toll rose to 4,042 with one more fatality.
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation ,GHMC) The highest number of fresh cases is at 1,165, followed by Medchal Malkajgiri district at 149, the bulletin provided details as of 5.30 pm on Sunday.
It also said that 330 people have recovered from the infection in the last 24 hours. The cumulative number of those who have been cured so far stood at 6,76,466. The number of active cases rose to 13,522, the bulletin said.
More than 48,000 samples were tested today and the total number tested so far was more than 3.01 crore.
Meanwhile, the third dose (booster dose) of the COVID-19 vaccine will be given to frontline workers, people above 60 years of age and healthcare workers, an official release said.
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao It states that those who are eligible should get vaccinated. He appealed to the people not to move around in groups, especially during the Sankranti festival and try to stay indoors and celebrate with caution.
The CM reiterated that the state government is ready to face any situation and is fully prepared to face the coronavirus.
