5 daily rituals that can help you maintain mental health

World Mental Health Day 2022: Do you often find it difficult to sleep and feel energized to do any work? Do you feel lethargic and tired even after endless cups of tea and coffee? Does everything around you just spoil your mood? Well, it’s not because you’re having a bad day but you’re having a bad time. However, you are not alone.

Everyday stress takes a toll on your mental health and leaves you going through a rough phase which can take your productivity to another level. Thus, even though it is difficult to do, you need to follow a daily routine that includes self-care practices. It will not only refresh your thoughts but will also refresh you as per the need.

Here are 5 rituals that you can practice every day to start your day off right.

attention and gratitude

Meditation, if done properly, can work wonders. Research proves that gratitude meditation is all that is needed for happiness and a greater sense of well-being. This will help you focus on the positivity and also get rid of depression.

short yoga or workout sessions

Exercise can help you remove laziness from your body. It greatly contributes to the production and balance of hormones that lighten your mood and fill your heart with ‘feel good’ energy and thoughts.

Any physical activity – be it walking, dancing or sports, can make you feel alive and thus, it is important to practice yoga or a workout session.

eat right

So, what is the right food? Well, any nutrient-rich food is the right kind of healthy food that gives you energy and also rejuvenates your body and thoughts.

be with loved ones

Spend time with people who make you feel safe and comfortable. Interaction and laughter with them can make you feel lighter and release oxytocin which makes a person more calm and mentally more relaxed.

Note down your goals and intentions

Take some time to write down your goals and intentions. Plan how you want to spend your day and if you write what is your goal and what you want to do, it refreshes your mind and motivates you to achieve more.