5 dietitian-approved healthy foods to stay fit this winter

Winter means big, delicious, hot and hearty meals. From the famous sarson ka saag to our favorite gajar ka halwa, the winter season really makes our mouths swoon with its distinctive delicacies. One problem that persists, however, is that these delicious foods affect our fitness and weight goals. Frequent consumption of such delicious food can lead us to gain unnecessary weight and upset the balance of our body.

But don’t worry, delicious food doesn’t always have to compromise your fitness goals. Yes, you can tantalize your taste buds while staying fit! Below we’ve compiled five delicious ingredients that will sate your appetite and help with your fitness goals this winter.

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Sweeten it with Jaggery:

Winter is known for its hot halwa and sweets. You can enjoy these desserts by using healthier sweeteners instead of white sugar. Jaggery is a great substitute that can be used to sweeten things up this winter. Jaggery, a naturally occurring sweetener, also has warming properties that will help keep you from freezing in the chilly winters. It also aids in digestion, improves glucose control, and aids in weight loss, making it the perfect addition to your winter recipes.

Jaggery is considered healthy in winter

Ghee is important:

Ghee is an Indian form of butter which is known for its many healthy and medicinal properties. Adding a spoonful of ghee to your diet can help you retain the necessary moisture in your body and give a holistic look to your skin and hair. It is also known to keep the body warm in winters. Apart from this, ghee has also been found helpful in weight loss in recent researches. It also promotes good intestinal and heart health. Above all, it enhances the delicacy of your food, thus making it the perfect addition to your winter intake.

Mushroom Munch:

Mushrooms are promoted a lot during the winter season, and that is true. Their delicious taste and multiple uses have made them worthy of appreciation from all. Mushrooms are low in calories and carry high levels of protein and fiber, which promote better digestion, lean muscle mass and weight loss. They are also packed with antioxidants that complement the youthful appearance. Lastly, they help prevent the chances of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

The green queen is:

It goes without saying that the winter season is known for the abundance of seasonal vegetables. Green leafy vegetables that are the specialty of winter food are rich in antioxidants and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of iron, calcium and fiber, all while being fairly low in calories. Regular consumption of green leafy vegetables helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and obesity, making them a must-eat during this winter.


Make green vegetables a part of your daily diet

Indulge in the warmth of winter potatoes:

Sweet potatoes are potatoes for the winter. These delicious potatoes are best served in cold weather and thus work to keep your body warm from inside. They are a rich source of antioxidants and fiber, which aid digestion, protect the body and mind from catastrophic damage, promote a healthy gut, and keep obesity and metabolic problems at bay. They are also rich in potassium which is important for regulating sodium levels in the body and thus helps with water retention problems.

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To sum it up!

Our body requires different nutrition depending on its environment. As the world around us becomes colder and drier, we need to make up for the lost heat and moisture through lifestyle changes. Thanks to nature, we have so many seasonal and evergreen foods that can help us stave off the cold in good health. The scope of this article discusses five superfoods that can help you meet your fitness goals this winter.

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