5 easy ayurvedic tips to lose weight

We live in a diet-obsessed world, where staying fit and healthy without gaining an extra ounce is on everyone’s mind (Image: Shutterstock)

Multiple information confuses one and often makes it difficult to shed those extra kilos

We live in a diet-obsessed world, where staying fit and healthy without gaining an extra ounce is on everyone’s mind. Sometimes, a fad diet comes across as the best way to lose weight. Multiple information confuses one and often makes it difficult to shed those extra kilos. For your rescue, Ayurveda is the one-stop solution.

Here are five simple tips for weight loss that can work wonders for you:

having your meal between sunrise and sunset

Instead of changing your entire diet and making it low-calorie, you can try eating your meals during daylight hours, between sunrise and sunset. This means that you eat 12 hours of food and fast for the remaining 12 hours except water. This step can also help in digesting everything and flushing out everything unnecessary in your body.

stay hydrated

A human body requires at least seven to eight glasses of water in a day. Drinking enough water is the best way to detoxify your body and also helps in proper digestion. Consuming less water can lead to constipation and dehydration which imbalances hormones and causes weight gain.

Try to avoid sugar, deep-fried and processed foods

Try cutting these foods out of your diet which will put less pressure on your liver leading to better digestion. It also reduces inflammation in your gut allowing it to absorb optimal nutrition from the food you eat.

exercise at least three days a week

We know you have a busy schedule but try to indulge in some exercise, this will improve the blood circulation in the body and provide enough nutrients and oxygen to all the cells of the body. The best time to do physical exercise is early in the morning when your body is more active.

get a good sleep

Sleep is the best way to relax your body and disturbed sleep can hamper your health. As we know that a person needs at least 8 hours daily and according to Ayurveda, the ideal time period should be from 10 PM to 6 AM.

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