5 Food Combinations That Help You Lose Weight And Belly Fat Fast

Losing weight is a difficult process in itself, and when there’s an added task of getting rid of those belly tires, we find ourselves in a real predicament. We all know that belly fat is last. However, by eating the right kind of foods along with regular exercise, you can get over it soon. And to get the most out of your diet, you must learn the art of combining foods. Yes, certain food combinations can work wonders to target weight loss, including belly fat.

How foods work for weight loss:

How you combine foods affects the absorption of nutrients from foods and the way they are digested by the body. Not only this, different foods work together to control the hormones that control weight gain or weight loss. There are many food combinations that lead to excessive weight gain, and there are others that induce weight loss. We’re obviously going to focus on the latter category.

Read also: 7 food combinations that can make you gain weight

What are the best food combinations for weight loss?

1. Potatoes with Peppers

Potatoes are generally looked down upon for increasing fat storage. But some studies claim that potatoes can actually help in weight loss. Potatoes are rich in fiber, which helps in digesting foods better. When combined with foods like black pepper, potatoes can be a great addition to your weight loss diet. The piperine present in black pepper inhibits the formation of new fat cells. So, sprinkle some black pepper on your potatoes and enjoy!

Potatoes with black pepper spice makes for a healthy meal.
photo credit: iStock

2. With Chana Sauce

For us, a perfect breakfast is some chips or crackers with sauce. A great way to enjoy a sauce like salsa is to take out the fried chips and add some steamed chickpeas to your salsa sauce. The chickpeas give the salsa more body to make it satisfying enough. Also, the high protein content of chickpeas will aid in weight loss.

3. Coffee with Cinnamon

Cinnamon coffee isn’t just a fad, it has become popular for a reason – it makes you lose weight fast. The caffeine in coffee is known to suppress the appetite, and cinnamon provides some powerful antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. The combination of the two food items works like magic to shed those extra kilos.

(Also Read: 5 Teas That Can Help With Weight Loss,

4. Rice with Peas

Did you know that your favorite pea casserole can actually help you lose weight? Rice is deficient in the amino acid lysine and is therefore considered an incomplete protein. Adding lysine-rich foods like peas ups its protein quotient. Try using brown rice instead of white rice to get a better food for weight loss diet.

5. Fruits and Vegetables with Healthy Fats

Vitamins are important for good physical health. And it comes as a relief that essential vitamins work best when eaten with fat! Healthy ones, of course. Therefore, it is a good idea for weight loss to include healthy fats such as olive oil, ghee, nuts and seeds, and full-fat dairy in salads, pastas, smoothies and other dishes.


Salad with oil dressing enhances its nutrients.
photo credit: iStock

Plan your diet with these food combinations and achieve your weight loss goals in no time.

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