5 home remedies to get rid of acne scars

Acne scars can be quite stubborn and the last thing anyone wants is a scar on their face. While there are many ways to reduce acne or pimples, it is difficult to let go of pesky acne scars. But we only want scar free skin. not us? And what can be a better treatment than our home remedies.

Home remedies are extremely effective when it comes to dealing with acne scars. They safely help reduce the appearance of those annoying acne scars and give you beautiful, radiant and healthy skin. Aarti Raghuram, Founder, Dega Organics shares some home remedies to get rid of acne scars

few drops of lemon juice

Lemons are not only popular for boosting immunity, but they are also an excellent agent for removing acne scars. The citric acid present in lemon visibly lightens the marks and scars. Add 5-6 drops of fresh lemon juice to the water, using a cotton ball, apply the mixture on the affected areas. Leave the potion on your face for 10 minutes, then wash off with cold water.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel contains aloesin, an ingredient known to work on old, stubborn acne scars and even help reduce hyperpigmentation. In addition, the anti-bacterial property of aloe vera helps to keep acne and pimples away, making acne scars less visible. Take out some fresh aloe vera gel and apply it as an overnight mask. You can repeat this process daily for best results.


Turmeric is one such popular kitchen ingredient that has been used for centuries for its amazing benefits in skin care. The excellent properties of turmeric not only help in reducing acne scars but also add a beautiful healthy glow to the skin. Take a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it with rose water or raw milk. Apply this paste on the scars or on your face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash your face with plain water and then apply moisturizer.

sandalwood powder

Using sandalwood powder is another natural way to get rid of acne scars. Sandalwood works as a great cleanser for the face. It helps in expelling the dirt and grime from the face which is responsible for causing acne. Apart from this, it reduces dark spots and also removes tan. Mix a teaspoon of sandalwood powder in rose water or add a few drops of coconut oil. Keep the paste for 10-15 minutes and wash off with water.

potato extract

Potato juice is great for reducing acne scars as they are rich in skin brightening and lightening properties. The astringent present in potatoes helps in removing dark spots by applying it slowly. Extract the juice of potato and apply it on the spots with the help of cotton. Alternatively, cut a few slices of potato and rub it on the affected areas. Use this method thrice a week to see a clear improvement on the skin.

So, stop looking for products that can help you fight those acne scars. Look around your kitchen and you will find the best solutions available out there. Follow these home remedies and say goodbye to acne scars.

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