5 preventive measures to stay healthy against COVID-19 and other flu

An outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus is considered a pandemic, a condition in which the virus spreads from person to person through coughing, sneezing, or contact with droplets of saliva containing the virus. Since the virus emerged in December, it has spread rapidly around the world and is causing fatalities. understanding the effects of coronavirus And knowing how to prevent it is important. Avoiding exposure to the virus is the best strategy to prevent coronavirus. Here’s a look at some important protective and preventive measures that you must follow to stay safe against COVID-19 (coronavirus) and other flu:

1. Keep hands clean and keep them away from your face: Use soap and water to wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. It is very important to do this after being near a sick person or in the same room. In the absence of soap and water, use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and.

2. Wear a Face Mask: Wear the most protective face mask you can find that fits well and is comfortable if you are in the same room as the sick person. Avoid making close eye contact or touching the person. Avoid touching or improperly handling your mask while wearing it. If your mask becomes dirty or wet, replace it with a new, dry mask. Be sure to wash your hands after removing the mask you are wearing.

3. Clean Your House Often: Use household cleaning spray or wipes to clean regularly touched surfaces such as counters, door knobs and counters. Do not clean the sick person’s bathroom or separate room. Use only bedding and tableware designated for the sick person.

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4. Social Distancing: Avoid crowded areas, whether indoors or outdoors. To control the infection, once again the number of covid affected people increases, physical isolation from others is required.

5. Self-Isolation: It is strongly advised that you isolate yourself at home immediately if you start showing symptoms of coronavirus. Along with this, it is advised to start treatment immediately after getting tested.

Seek medical help if you have a cough, fever, or difficulty breathing. Call ahead of time so that your healthcare provider can direct you to the appropriate healthcare facility. It protects you and prevents the spread of viruses and other infections.

Read also: Long-term effects of COVID-19 on your health

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