5 seeds you should include in your diet to control diabetes

Blood sugar management is important for diabetics because prolonged high blood sugar levels can lead to life-threatening consequences. While it’s often genetic – over which we have little control – adopting lifestyle modifications can do wonders, especially early in life. A healthy diet and regular exercise are essential for controlling blood sugar levels.

If you want to prevent diabetes or if you are a diabetic who wants to control your blood sugar levels, there are specific seeds that you should include in your diet. Here are five seeds recommended by renowned nutritionist Urvashi Agarwal:

Fenugreek (fenugreek seeds)

The dietary fiber present in fenugreek seeds, called “galactomannan”, is an important component that slows down glucose digestion and absorption. As a result, blood sugar levels drop and glucose tolerance improves.

Carom Seeds (Ajwain)

These seeds can be used to control diabetes due to the fiber content, which helps control blood sugar levels. Carom seeds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and they help increase metabolism. These benefits can induce weight loss, which is excellent for diabetes management.

Basil seeds (Sabja)

Basil seeds are rich in fiber. Urvashi Agarwal says that diabetic patients were usually given basil seeds shortly before meals in several trials, thereby avoiding blood sugar spikes. These seeds were very helpful in reducing blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

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pumpkin seeds

Rich in compounds like trigonelline (TRG), nicotinic acid (NA), and D-chiro-inositol (DCI), pumpkin seeds are great for diabetic patients. They also contain protein, dietary fibre, omega-6 fats and magnesium which are good for diabetes management.


According to nutritionists, flax seeds can work wonders. They are high in insoluble fiber, which helps with the body’s blood sugar levels as well as our digestive health. A recent study found that flaxseed had a better chance of reducing the prevalence of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This is due to the presence of flax lignans in them.

Include these seeds in your regular diet to fight diabetes and enjoy a stress-free life.

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