A layer of dry dead skin accumulates on the face, so the use of gram flour removes dead skin cells like this.

Besan For Dead Skin Removal: This is how gram flour will remove dead skin cells.

special things

  • Gram flour is good for the skin.
  • Dead skin cells are removed.
  • Has fair looking androgynous skin.

Care of skin: A common problem associated with dead skin on the skin. Due to the accumulation of dead skin cells, the skin starts to look lifeless and it seems as if the dirt is jammed. Due to dead skin, the skin starts to look torn. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to exfoliate the skin. Gram flour (Besan) acts as a relative exfoliator on the skin. By using it in the right way, the disphyllias are removed from the skin and it gets glowing.

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Gram flour to remove dead skin cells | Gram flour to remove dead skin cells

gram flour and curd

Gram flour and curd can be mixed and applied to remove dead skin cells from the face. Making face scrub of gram flour and curd is very easy and also shows quick effect on the skin. To make, take 2 tablespoons of gram flour in a bowl and fill one spoon in it and add curd and water as needed. Remember to scrub. Rose water can also go in this scrub. The effect of this scrub is also visible on the face from oil, dirt and acne etc. on the face. Once a week, rub this scrub on the face with a light hand and then wash it.


Besan and Oatmeal

Take a bowl and add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal powder along with 2 tablespoons of gram flour to it. Keep in mind that to make this scrub, you grind the oatmeal. After this, mix 2 spoons of honey and juice of half a lemon in the bowl. Prepare a paste by mixing all the ingredients. Using the scrub of this paste will exfoliate the dead skin cells of the face and brighten the face.


Gram flour and fenugreek seeds

Along with dead skin from the face, the problem of blackheads and whiteheads will also go away. Grind gram flour and fenugreek seeds to make this recipe according to need, take equal quantity and put it in a bowl. Use water to make a paste of the scrub and scrub the face with this prepared paste.

besan or besan

It does not stay on the skin and dryness is visible, so fix the moisture barrier of the skin in this way

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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