Andhra Pradesh fit case to implement Article 356: Yanamala Ramakrishnudu

“The entire police machinery has been systematically weakened and since the government itself is resorting to constitutional breakdown, there is no other option but to invoke Article 356,” he said.

Telugu Desam Party’s (TDP) politburo member Yanamala Ramakrishnudu on Wednesday said law and order in the state has completely collapsed and Andhra Pradesh is an apt for the Centre’s intervention to invoke Article 356 and impose President’s rule. is the case.

In a statement, the former finance minister slammed the YCP government’s “jungle raj” and said that “goons who went on a stampede, TDP offices and workers attacked across the state There is tacit support of the government and the police department on Tuesday.”

He said by attacking the opposition TDP’s head office, the government was trying to openly threaten what would happen to those who tried to question its failures. “This is an unprecedented crisis. The entire police machinery has been systematically weakened and since the government itself is resorting to constitutional breakdown, there is no other option but to invoke Article 356,” he said.

There was no security for the people in the state and there was a lack of security among the opposition parties, their leaders and cadres, he said, questioning the government to sell off public properties, over its failure to check large-scale ganja smuggling in the state. was wrong or not. , for pushing the state into deep financial crisis, for failure to provide employment to youth, for acute shortage of sand and for failure to provide work to the poor. “The house of the TDP leader who raised these issues was attacked,” he said.

Sri Ramakrishnudu slammed the police department for preventing the participation of TDP leaders in the bandh. “It is against their democratic right,” he argued, adding that his detention would not prevent the party from exposing the ruling party’s “terrible designs”. “Now that the Chief Minister has realized that a strong resentment is being created among the public against the ruling government, he is resorting to violence to create a fear psychosis,” he said.

Sri Ramakrishnudu urged the Center to intervene and restore order in the state of Andhra Pradesh.


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