Anna University Research Excellence Award for Tiruchi Professor

The distinguished academic was also credited with more than 150 refereed publications and three patents.

Of. Rukmani, Director, Center of Excellence in Nanobio Translational Research, and Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Anna University, Tiruchi, has won the Research Excellence Award 2021, given to faculty members who have made exceptional research and outstanding contributions to science.

Md. Ruckmani was honored for his research contributions, which included more than 100 research publications in Scopus Indexed journals, and the level of creativity, innovation and scientific inquiry in his projects.

Earlier this week at the grand awards ceremony at Anna University, Higher Education Minister K. Ponmudi presented him the prestigious award.

As the first woman to have a Ph.D. Holding a pharmacy in Tamil Nadu, Ms. Rukmani established two national facilities supported by DST with state-of-the-art equipment.

Other prestigious awards received by her include Distinguished Researcher Award 2019, Tamil Nadu Senior Scientist Award 2018, Tamil Nadu Scientist Award 2014, Tamil Nadu Young Woman Scientist Award 2006, Best Innovation Award and Women Achiever Award.

The distinguished academic was also credited with more than 150 refereed publications and three patents.

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