Asia: First in Asia: Thailand legalizes marijuana but smoking pot is still illegal – Times of India

Thailand The first Asian country to do so with an aim to boost its agricultural and tourism sectors, on Thursday legalized the growing of marijuana and its consumption in food and drink, but smoking pot is still against the law.
Shoppers queued up at outlets selling cannabis-infused drinks, sweets and other items as advocates for the plant welcomed reforms in a country long known for strict anti-drug laws.
The public health minister’s plan to distribute one million marijuana seedlings starting Friday has fueled the notion that Thailand is turning into a wonderful wonderland. The country, which has a tradition of using cannabis to relieve pain and fatigue, legalized medicinal marijuana four years ago.
Thailand’s Food and Drug Administration’s decision to remove all cannabis plants from the category of narcotic drugs puts the country in the first place. Asia To decriminalize marijuana for medical and industrial use. But it is not following the examples of Uruguay and Canada, the only two countries that have legalized recreational marijuana on a national basis. So far, it appears that no effort will be made to police what people can grow and smoke at home, other than registering to do so.
The government, which has been relying on the plant as a cash crop, is planning to give one million saplings to encourage farmers to cultivate it. Cannabis producers have to register on a government app called plukganja, or grow hemp. Around 1,00,000 people have signed up so far. The health ministry said it has approved 1,181 products, including cosmetics and food, that contain cannabis extracts and expects the industry to generate 15 billion baht ($435 million) by 2026.
But officials aim to stem the explosion of recreational use by limiting the strength of the products on offer. Possession and sale of cannabis extracts containing no more than 0.2% of the psychoactive ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, meant for smokers of the drug known as “pot” or “weed” to be “stone” Gotta fight. “Buds with 0.2% THC are considered low, so you’d need to consume a lot to get the high,” said Supmate Hetrakuli of your group, which grows cannabis for medical use. Those who break the law can still be jailed and fined.