AUKUS will have no impact on Quad’s functioning, says government

New Delhi The new Australia-UK-US security alliance, called the . also known as okuswill not affect the functioning of the Quad, Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla said on Tuesday.

One day the statement came Prime Minister Narendra Modi Spoke to French President Emmanuel Macron, the two leaders reviewed their cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

AUKUS would not affect or dilute the Quad, a grouping of the US, India, Australia and Japan aimed at ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific against the backdrop of the belligerent rise of China, as the two groups were not identical in nature. Shringla said in a press conference.

“The Quad is a multilateral grouping. It is a group of countries that share a common view of their characteristics and values. They also share a shared vision of the Indo-Pacific region as a free, open, transparent and inclusive region.”

He said that the Quad has an active agenda, which includes the delivery of vaccines to countries in the Indo-Pacific region to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

“AUKUS, on the other hand, is a security alliance between three countries. We are not a party to this alliance. From our point of view, it is neither relevant to the Quad nor will it have any impact on its functioning,” Shringla said.

Last week, the US, UK and Australia announced the formation of a partnership with the US and UK, sharing sensitive technology with Australia, that would allow Canberra to acquire nuclear-powered submarines. The development comes amid China’s aggressively building its navy to match US naval prowess.

Under the agreement, Australia will acquire at least eight nuclear-powered submarines, following the cancellation of a previous agreement with France to purchase diesel electric submarines.

The deal between Australia, Britain and the US has angered France, which was not informed of the impending deal.

The agreement raised doubts about whether France, which sees itself as an Indo-Pacific power, would remain committed to safeguarding the region, given its territories in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

However, a French statement on Tuesday said Modi and Macron “shared their shared commitment to work jointly in an open and inclusive Indo-Pacific, including in the framework of Europe-India relations and European initiatives in the Indo-Pacific”. Confirmed”.

“This approach aims to promote regional stability and the rule of law, while preventing any hegemony,” is seen as a reference to China’s aggressive moves in the region.

Macron reiterated France’s commitment to “contribute to the strengthening of India’s strategic autonomy, including its industrial and technological base, as part of a close relationship based on mutual trust and respect between the two strategic partners. In all areas.” Bilateral cooperation, especially in the economic sector, will be boosted,” it said, indicating possible greater cooperation between India and France in areas including defence.

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