Ayurvedic Remedies May Help You Wear Glasses Less

In the modern environment, eye problems and poor vision are quite typical.

Eye conditions and poor vision are widespread in today’s world. These are some Ayurveda remedies and habits that can help improve eye health

Eye conditions and poor eyesight are common in today’s world. Pollution, an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle and excessive screen time have all contributed to the accelerating rate of vision loss.

According to Dr. Mandeep Singh Basu, an expert in Ayurveda and CEO of Jagat Pharma, even children as young as 5 to 6 years of age are experiencing nearsightedness or farsightedness. The basic chemistry of nutrition has been disrupted by pollution and genetically engineered foods, which is now interfering with the biology of our organs. Diabetic retinopathy, corneal scarring, cataracts, dry eyes, eye allergies and squint are some of the eye conditions that can occur. Thus, it is important to understand the requirements of good vision and take appropriate action to meet them.

The following Ayurveda remedies and routines can help in boosting eye health:

Tratak: Tratak is a form of meditation that involves staring at a stationary object such as a candle flame or image. Focus, concentration and vision can all be enhanced by this activity.

Eye wash: Washing the eyes with clean water is eye-cleansing treatment. It helps in clearing the debris from the eyes, which can improve eyesight.

Eye Sacrifice: According to Dr. Basu, the process involves instillation of medicated ghee into the eyes to strengthen and nourish the eyeballs. It can reduce eye strain and enhance vision.

Triphala Eye Wash: The Ayurveda herb Triphala is used to treat a variety of eye disorders. To use Triphala churna as an eye wash, it must first be dissolved in water. According to Dr. Basu, it can help improve eyesight and reduce eye strain.

Ayurvedic Diet: To enhance general health, including eye health, Ayurveda recommends a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Eye Exercises: Eye exercises help in increasing the blood circulation and reducing the strain on the eyes. Examples include rolling the eyes, focusing on distant objects, and clasping the palms.

Nasya: Nasya is an Ayurvedic process in which the patient inhales medicated oil or powder to clear their nasal passages and enhance their general health, including their eye health.

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