Before Independence Day 2022, old video of Tricolor waterfall resurfaced on internet

Last Update: Aug 09, 2022, 18:00 IST

As a part of the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged citizens to hoist the national flag at their homes from August 13 to August 15. (credit: Instagram)

After the government launched the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’, an old video has again surfaced on social media, in which people are asked to bring home Indian flags and hoist them to commemorate 75 years of the country’s independence.

Ahead of the 75th Independence Day, an old video of the tricolor waterfall has again gone viral on the internet. Reportedly, the video was recorded in Jodhpur, Rajasthan around Independence Day in 2020. In the video, which is trending on social media, two men can be seen at the top of a hill, throwing saffron and green paint into a waterfall from two different sides, creating a mesmerizing display of the Indian national flag. A scene is created. After the government launched the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga Abhiyan’, an old video has again surfaced on social media, in which people are asked to bring home Indian flags and hoist them to commemorate 75 years of the country’s independence.

The video begins with a crowd standing around a waterfall and two men pouring color into the water near the overhang. In the beginning, the striking effect of the gradual deepening of the color, is mesmerizing to witness. Saare jahan se good music on drums with video. As the waterfall turned the color of the tricolour, people standing around could be seen clapping and showing signs of victory. Meanwhile, as a part of the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged citizens to hoist the national flag at their homes from August 13 to August 15.

Ahead of the Independence Day, PM Modi has also urged citizens to change their display pictures on social media accounts and have a picture of the national flag from August 2 to August 15. PM Modi changed the display picture of his Twitter account, and wrote, “Today 2nd August is special! At a time when we are celebrating the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence, our nation is ready for the tricolor every home, to celebrate our tricolour. I have changed the DP on my social media pages and urge all of you to do the same.

Apart from this, news agency PTI has reported that as the campaign dates are approaching, the sale of the national flag has also seen an increase in various parts of the country.

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