Best Diet for Covid-19: Is Chicken Soup Healthy? Check out what the experts say

Deciding what to eat can be mentally tough, especially when you’re not feeling well. However, our diet plays a role in preventing and managing ill health including Covid. Taking a healthy diet reduces the risk of Kovid. And, if you have COVID, a healthy diet is associated with milder symptoms.

Even thinking about food can be challenging when we’re sick. However, the best way to fight off infection is to provide your body with foods that best support you in healing. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and a variety of proteins are broken down by the body into substances to support your immune system.

The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating suggests that we eat a variety of fresh foods every day including:
Two servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables
Whole grains, such as wholemeal pasta, brown rice, or wholemeal bread
Healthy fats, such as avocado or olive oil
Meat and meat substitutes (such as lean beef, chicken, tofu or legumes) and dairy (such as cheese or milk).

Eating these types of foods every day gives our body the nutrients it needs to fight off infections and stay healthy. Avoidance of processed and ultra-processed foods is also encouraged due to the high levels of salt and sugar and lack of nutrition found in these types of foods.

What about chicken soup or similar?

A great way to get all the nutrition your body needs when sick with Covid is to have homemade chicken soup, chicken avgolemono, chicken kanji or similar dishes. Why? Here are four good reasons:

1. It is easy and cheap to make.
The great thing about chicken soup is that you can pop it in a pan (or in a slow cooker), throw all the ingredients together, and let it simmer. While the ingredients in chicken soup pack a powerful nutritional punch, they don’t cost the earth.

2. Easy to absorb.
The process of boiling releases the nutrients found in the ingredients and aids in the digestion and absorption of these important nutrients.

3. It is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Essential vitamins and minerals found in chicken soup include iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

4. It is delicious and powerful.
The delicious flavor of chicken soup is enhanced by the seventeen different amino acids found in chicken soup. These amino acids also provide strength to your immune system.

Nutrition can support immune health but it is not the only answer. The best way to treat and manage a Covid infection is to avoid it in the first place. So remember to practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands regularly, and keep up with your recommended vaccination schedule.
Practicing a healthy lifestyle will reduce the risks of not only contracting Covid, but also developing a chronic illness. This includes not smoking or vaping, maintaining healthy physical activity habits, getting enough sleep, and reducing alcohol consumption.
The current recommendation for maximum alcohol intake is ten standard drinks a week, and no more than four standard drinks a day.

  • don’t forget to drink plenty of water
  • Water is important when you are sick.
  • Being dehydrated can increase the symptoms of colds and infections, including COVID. It is also associated with a higher risk of developing long Covid.
  • Aim to drink at least two liters of water per day, more if you are overweight or losing fluids through vomiting or sneezing/runny nose.
  • If you don’t feel like drinking plain water, there are many healthy options like tea, broth or soup.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health and vitality.
  • Getting caught up in the fad or buying supplements can be expensive and there is controversy over their effectiveness.
  • In the long run, eating healthier will make you feel better and save you money.

By Lauren Ball and Julie Marsh from The University of Queensland