Bethlehem: Israeli soldiers shoot down Palestinian near Bethlehem – Times of India

Jerusalem: Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man near the city Bethlehem in possession Western coastThe Palestinian Health Ministry said early Monday, the latest in a growing wave of violence that erupted during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
The Israeli military said it opened fire on a man who threw a firebomb at an Israeli vehicle driving on a West Bank highway late Sunday. The shooting brought the number of Palestinians killed in the past 24 hours to three, including an unarmed woman who was shot dead at a military post near Bethlehem.
Ramadan converges this year with major Jewish and Christian holidays. An 11-day war broke out between protests and clashes in Jerusalem during Ramadan last year Israel and Gaza terrorists.
Israel has stepped up its military activity in the West Bank after Palestinian attackers killed 14 Israelis in recent weeks in four deadly attacks inside Israel. At the same time, it has taken several steps to defuse the situation, including allowing thousands of Palestinians from the Hamas-run Gaza Strip to work inside Israel.
Palestinian health officials identified the man killed in the latest shooting late Sunday as a 21-year-old Muhammad Ali Ahmed Ghonim,
Earlier on Sunday, two Palestinian women were shot dead by Israeli forces. The Israeli military said a policeman was stabbed and lightly wounded in the city of Hebron. The other was an unarmed woman, who said she ignored warning shots and called to stop near a checkpoint near Bethlehem.
Palestinian attackers frequently attack outposts in the West Bank. But Palestinians and human rights groups say the Israeli military often uses excessive force and in some cases has injured or killed people who were not involved in the violence.
The European UnionThe diplomatic mission for the Palestinian Territories accused Israel of using unacceptable excessive force in fatally shooting an unarmed woman. It wrote on Twitter, “This incident must be investigated expeditiously and the perpetrators must be brought to justice.”
In a separate incident on Monday, the military said two Israeli civilians arrived at a West Bank checkpoint near the city of Nablus with gunshot wounds. israeli public broadcaster Kano Told that the two had tried to meet YusufKa’s tomb, which had been vandalized the day before, and attacked by unknown assailants.
The day before, a group of Palestinians had set fire to the tomb before Palestinian security forces could disperse them. The temple, located on the outskirts of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, is a frequent flashpoint site. Some Jews believe that it is the tomb of biblical Joseph, while Muslims believe that it is the tomb of a sheikh.
In coordination with the Palestinian security forces, the army moves Jewish worshipers to the site several times a year.