Biological: Important to follow convention on biological weapons: India at UNSC – Times of India

New Delhi: To discuss with the United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday Russiaclaims that America was helping Ukraine Production organic Weapons, India reiterated that there is no other option to resolve the situation other than the avenues of diplomacy and dialogue and again stressed the need to respect sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Indian Ambassador TS Tirumurti said that India had noted recent statements from “states and comprehensive information regarding biological activities relating to Ukraine”.
In this context, he said, India would like to underline the importance attached to the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention (BTWC) as a major global and non-discriminatory disarmament convention, which prohibits an entire category of weapons of mass destruction. .
Tirumurti said that it is important to ensure that the BTWC is implemented in letter and spirit.
“We also believe that any matter relating to obligations under the BTWC should be addressed in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and through consultation and cooperation between the parties concerned,” the ambassador said.
United Nations Security Council The meeting was organized at the request of Russia. The US said that Russia had called for the meeting “for the purpose of spreading lies and misinformation” and that the US was not supporting any Ukrainian biological weapons laboratory anywhere in the world.
“We have repeatedly expressed our serious concern over the situation in Ukraine. We sincerely hope that the ongoing direct talks between Russia and Ukraine will lead to an end to hostilities. The serious humanitarian situation requires immediate and immediate attention. We once again call upon member states to abide by the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law, and to respect the sovereignty and integrity of states.”