‘BJP is getting paid in the same coin’

Former Chief Minister V. Narayanasamy said in a virtual statement on Friday that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is now being paid in the same coin in Uttar Pradesh and Goa as it did to other political parties in several states.

“The BJP has defected into several parties to bring down the opposition. In February last year, the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister resigned from the Congress government in Puducherry by threatening ministers and MLAs with law enforcement agencies.

He was contested on BJP ticket. He did the same in other states. Now, they are paid back in the same coin in UP and Goa. Many of his ministers have resigned and joined other parties,” said Sree Narayanasamy.

The Prime Minister and the Home Minister are using central agencies and “money power” to divide political parties and move leaders from their parties to the BJP. He said the BJP has started “harvesting” the fruits of its wrongdoings in several states, including the Union Territory.

“It is also a lesson for those political leaders who do not stick to a particular ideology and are only after power,” the senior Congress leader said.

high TPR

Criticizing the All India NR Congress-led National Democratic Alliance in the Union Territory for the negligence shown in handling the COVID-19 situation, Sree Narayanasamy said that the Union Territory has got the highest Test Positivity Rate (TPR) .

He said the government did not heed the advice to ban New Year celebrations when the number of cases started rising gradually.

Narayanasamy said that even the hospitals in the Union Territory are not in a position to handle the increasing number of patients due to lack of preparedness.
