Board Exam Preparation: What Kind Of Diet To Follow During Exams? Importance of a nutritious diet for students

Class 10th 12th Board Exam: Examination! The term stresses not only children but parents and caregivers as well. It is imperative to take care of good health during the examination and food plays an important role. Food not only provides us with the necessary fuel to feel energetic and focused, but it also acts as a comfort factor for many individuals.

Many types of food can also cause gastritis, abdominal discomfort and bloating. Certain varieties of food can cause sleepiness and lethargy. So, what is most important is the type and quantity of food to be taken before the exam. What is the right kind of food that can be taken before the exam and during the duration of the exam?

For this we need to understand what happens to the human body during the exam. Exams are a period of stress for any student, irrespective of age, it doesn’t matter if you are a kid or you are appearing for your master’s exams. Just as exams require proper planning, scheduling and organizing, similarly food is also required. A good diet helps students to overcome stress. The type of food a student eats helps the student prepare effectively and manage period anxiety.

Examinations are an essential part of the educational journey of every student and cannot be avoided. During these exams, eating regular and healthy meals and snacks will help your child stay nourished. Eating breakfast is an essential component of the diet. Skipping breakfast is harmful as prolonged fasting leads to a drop in blood sugar levels and affects cognition and focus, which is essential during examinations.

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If because of the nervous feeling, your child may become nauseous and avoid eating, make sure they still take the time to eat something. It is important to have a healthy, heavy and filling breakfast before the exam. Their brain will need energy from food to function efficiently, and eating before an exam will ensure that your child’s mental focus is on the exam and not their hunger.

A hungry child is unable to concentrate on his studies and loses focus. Attention is disrupted and exam performance declines. Hence it is necessary as a parent to ensure that your kids enjoy their meals and snacks. Help your child develop a healthy relationship with food and eating, even when they are facing exam stress.

Certain types of food increase alertness, enhance memory retention and can increase the energy levels and general well-being of your child. Healthy food choices on test day include protein-rich foods such as eggs, nuts, cheese, and yogurt.

A good breakfast combination might include whole grain cereal with low-fat milk, oatmeal, muesli or toast with eggs and jam. For Indians, poha enriched with vegetables, or oats with nuts, fruits such as bananas, apples, pears, papaya and chikoo can be given. Ragi/semolina idli or dosa can also be given. Dried fruits and nuts are also concentrated sources of energy and should be given.

Yogurt is not only high in protein but is also a good probiotic and helps maintain gut flora to prevent gastritis, abdominal bloating and discomfort. It is best to avoid carbohydrate rich and oily food as they will induce sleepiness and cause gastritis.

Nutritionists recommend oranges, bananas, apples and grapes and green leafy vegetables to students to reduce their stress.

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Parents should help children with the diet to be followed by them during and before the exam for better performance. Here are some tips to remember.

-stay hydrated. Dehydration leads to poor test performance and muscle fatigue

Eat frequent small meals that are easy to digest

– Include protein rich foods

Avoid sugar and salt as they are addictive and cause fluid retention and weight gain.

Avoid processed food and packaged food as they cause cravings like pizza, burger, vada pav, samosa

– Avoid caffeine

Avoid aerated drinks and fruit juices. It is best to stick to fresh fruits instead of fruit juices.

Eat high fiber diet which prevents indigestion and flatulence

Bananas are a good source of energy and provide a complete food. They can be taken just before an exam to maintain blood sugar levels and prevent mental confusion and chaos.

A healthy diet and dietary habits start early in life and family and school play a very important role in developing healthy eating habits. Healthy eating patterns that start early in life pave the way for good health. After all, there’s no need to change healthy eating habits during the exam. However, if the dietary habits are poor, it is necessary to bring some discipline in the eating habits. Remember… what you put in your mouth affects not only your health but your career as well!