Body of missing Indian man found under dilapidated hotel in Turkey

An Indian national missing since the February 6 earthquake in Turkey that killed over 25,000 people has been pulled out from under the rubble of a hotel in Malta, the Indian Embassy in Turkey said.

The embassy said that Vijay Kumar, a man from the hill state of Uttarakhand, was on a business trip to Turkey.

The embassy further said that all arrangements are being made to bring the body back to India.

A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and Syria on Monday, leveling thousands of structures, trapping an unknown number of people and potentially affecting millions.

Turkey’s disaster agency said on Saturday that about 32,000 people from Turkish bodies were working on the search and rescue efforts. In addition, there are 8,294 international rescuers.

Thousands of local and international rescue workers are still scrambling through the flattened neighborhood despite the freezing weather, adding to the misery of the millions who are now in dire need of aid.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan admitted for the first time on Friday that his government had not been able to reach and help victims “as quickly as we wanted”.

The quake was the most powerful and deadliest since a magnitude 7.8 earthquake in 1939 killed 33,000 people.