British man protests at McDonald’s after not getting full order

Customer blocked the McDonald’s drive-thru.

Any customer who orders food online is likely to be upset by incomplete delivery, and most of them will complain to the service provider. However, in the UK, a disgruntled customer, enraged by an incomplete delivery, pulled off an unusual move that made it difficult for others to order food.

According to Metro, David Shepherd, a father of four, staged a protest against McDonald’s, taking up his position at the counter of the Chesterfield drive-thru near Whitstable, Kent, claiming he would not move until he had received his order in full . They did so when an UberEats driver’s £80 (Rs 8,123) delivery arrived without any fries or drinks.

Mr Shepherd continued his demonstration for more than two hours and also blocked a McDonald’s drive-thru delivery point for an additional hour, before being moved by police officers.

“The policy is that you need to get in touch with Uber, who will return the lost items to you. But the thing is, it’s not Uber that packed the bags; it’s McDonald’s. We called UberEats, But they will only return a few. Up to £21 (Rs 2133) of items are missing, which is not good for us when we are trying to feed our children,” Mr Shepherd said.

“Meanwhile, I decided to go to McDonald’s to ask them to replace the missing items, but I was told that it was ‘against company policy’ to do so. At that time, the food was already cold, so we had There is 80 pounds (Rs 8125) of food that we are not getting.”

“All of this could have been avoided if they had given us the dinner we had paid for,” Mr Shepherd said.

However, no criminal charges were filed, and both sides agreed to settle the dispute.

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