Can Lemon Juice and Coffee Burn Fat? All About the New Weight Loss Hack

Losing weight is not just about making temporary dietary changes but about making major lifestyle changes that can be sustained over a long period of time. As the saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day.” In our quest to lose weight, we often come across many tips and tricks on the internet. These are easy hacks that can be incorporated into our daily routine and claim to accelerate weight loss. One such recent weight loss hack is the coffee and lemon juice hack. Videos on social media claim that this concoction can accelerate weight loss if consumed early in the morning. Have a look:

The video of coffee and lemon juice has created panic on social media. Several fitness bloggers shared their experiences with the hack, claiming that this simple hack burned fat and helped shed extra kilos. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ videos were widely circulated, with many claiming that this combination of coffee Lemon juice Made a significant impact on his weight loss journey.

But does this hack really work? Lemon juice is said to boost metabolism and aid in the weight loss journey. Nutritionists recommend starting the day with lukewarm water and lemon juice to aid in the weight loss journey. Coffee is also mentioned in many studies To increase fat oxidation.

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However, experts say that coffee and lemon juice are not the only things necessary for weight loss. Nutritionist and Macrobiotic Health Coach Shilpa Arora says, “There is no magic pill or pill for weight loss. Add that lemon to your diet. coffeeHowever, that is not the only thing.”

Shalini Aravind, chief dietitian, Fortis Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, says, “Adding lemon juice to coffee is another trend that has no scientific basis. Crash diets and trends only result in malnutrition and malaise. fat loss, with people gaining twice what they once lost from the diet.”

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Losing weight: Adding lemon juice to your coffee is not the ideal way to lose weight.

But is there any special harm in drinking coffee with lemon juice? Arvind revealed, “Coffee is a stimulant that causes dizziness, headache and can lead to withdrawal when one stops taking it suddenly. People can increase their coffee Violating the safe limit for caffeine intake of more than 300 mg per day. This can lead to dehydration as coffee is diarrhea and can also interfere with the absorption of calcium and iron in the body.”

Similarly, too much lemon juice can also cause problems. “Intake of more lemon juice can increase the problem of acidity in people. In general, it is good to consume lemon if required in quantity as it contains lemon in abundance. vitamin C And also helps to absorb iron, but when added to caffeine, it has no added benefit,” concludes Arvind.

So what is the right way to lose weight? “Strong willpower, calorie reduction in a healthy way, and regular exercise, combined with the right guidance from a dietitian, is the only way to healthy weight loss,” advises Arvind. “weight loss Clean eating, exercise, good sleep, along with enough vitamin D, is the culmination of balancing hormones over a long period of time. Yoga and movement are also essential for an active thyroid,” says Shilpa Arora.

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Weight Loss: It is better to follow an expertly suggested diet plan for weight loss.

Thus, coffee and Lemon juice There is no guarantee of weight loss. Eat a balanced diet and consume everything in moderation, don’t depend on diet fads or online weight loss hacks. There are many factors to consider as part of a diet plan to lose weight. In case of any confusion, it is always a good idea to consult a qualified specialist or nutritionist.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.


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