CBSE, ICSE board exam results soon: 7 diet tips to help students overcome stress and anxiety

Students across the country are waiting for their board exam results – be it appearing for CBSE class 10 or 12 exams, ICSE and ISC exams, or the many state board exams in India. Board exam results mean a lot to the students as they are often considered as the first step towards the future, the first important step that opens career avenues. No wonder, most of the students are extremely stressed about the results. Experts say that during such times it becomes all the more important for parents to ensure that their children are eating properly. Upasana Sharma, Head Dietitian, Max Hospital, Gurgaon, shared, “Kids are very ambitious these days. They all want to score good marks and this experience of exams and results is very stressful, and something that is inevitable . A child’s diet should be something that is looked after by the parents and should not be neglected, it should be given prime importance.”

Eat Right: Essential Diet Tips For Students

Not eating healthy can have side effects and can have long term effects, shares Upasana Sharma. Here are some tips for their parents and students who are going through stressful times:

1) It is very important for children to have breakfast. This should be the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped.

2) Include high protein foods in the diet like besan cheela, eggs, stuffed paranthas or sprouts. Anything made from millet like bajra upma or jowar roti or porridge should be included and should be a wholesome meal.

3) It is also important not to neglect meals throughout the day; Eat three main meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner – in addition to smaller, more frequent meals. Take enough proteins, they are a constant source of energy.

4) Protein rich foods include eggs, sprouts, cheela, chana, dhokla etc. If the child is a non-vegetarian, chicken and fish should also be included in some quantity.

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5) Hydration is also important. Many times kids do not like plain water, so we can use homemade fresh fruit juices, lemonade, coconut water, shakes, smoothies and sattu drinks. Do not encourage children to drink tea or coffee.

6) Limit the intake of sugar and salt. Do not add extra salt or sugar to salads or fruit salads as the case may be. Limit the intake of processed food.

7) It is important to include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as they contain anti-oxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, which reduce damage to brain cells that occurs due to high stress levels, leading to Children can also fall. Sick.