Chemical Peel: Top 7 Myths and Facts About Chemical Peeling

Facial peels are sometimes advertised in a way that can be misleading. “The truth is, there is a wide range in effectiveness and recovery time associated with facial peels. Patients are more likely to be happy with the outcome of their surgery if they know what to anticipate. Confused about the chemical Easy peels actually work because there are so many variations on the topic. As a result, learn the facts about these through chemical peel myths,” says Dr. Navneet Haror, Founder and Director, Derma Miracle Clinic, which deals with Top 7 Myths and Let’s share the truth of this treatment.

Myth 1: Your skin will appear bright red after a chemical peel.

truth: There are different types of peels; Some are mild and take a while to heal, while others are very dark. Alpha and beta hydroxyl peels are lighter peels with less exfoliation and redness, while darker peels are more powerful and may cause more exfoliation and redness.

Myth 2: Due to chemical peels, the skin becomes dry and lifeless.

truth: Permanent scars will not be a problem if the peel is removed by a qualified skin care specialist. Deep peels often cause redness and peeling, but today there are many superficial alternatives and breakthroughs in cosmeceutical formulations that soothe inflammation, repair and rebuild skin. Peels produce healthier, smoother and more youthful looking skin in the long run.

Myth 3: Chemical peels are only useful for people with skin problems.

truth: In fact, chemical peels can benefit all skin types, even sensitive skin. Chemical peels can prevent problems as well as treat the skin that is prone to them. Skin cell turnover normally occurs every 21 to 28 days. Depending on the severity of the skin damage, this rate often slows, starting in the late 20s. If you find a very mild skin peel at Face Perfect Clinique, such as alpha or beta hydroxyl acids, both of which are superficial peeling procedures, stimulate cellular turnover to encourage healthy cell growth while exfoliating dead cells. Will go

Myth 4: Chemical peels make the skin gradually thinner

truth: Over time, the skin thickens as superficial chemical peels stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Epidermal skin cells can be removed from the skin by exfoliating several times, but they will always grow back. The dermis, which lacks stem cells, is affected by medium-depth and deep peeling. As a result, it is possible to thin or over-exfoliate the skin. Given the interval between deep peels and the fact that most people only get a deep peel once or twice in their lifetime, this is an unusual occurrence.

Myth 4: Chemical peels make the skin gradually thinner

truth: Over time, the skin thickens as superficial chemical peels stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Epidermal skin cells can be removed from the skin by exfoliating several times, but they will always grow back. The dermis, which lacks stem cells, is affected by medium-depth and deep peeling. As a result, it is possible to thin or over-exfoliate the skin. Given the interval between deep peels and the fact that most people only get a deep peel once or twice in their lifetime, this is an unusual occurrence.

Myth 6: After a peel, if I get acne, it means I’m either experiencing a reaction or my skincare specialist messed up.

truth: It is not uncommon to have breakouts after a peel. Peel is a type of exfoliation; Thus, they often cause the skin to clear and bring objects to the surface. Although they are uncomfortable, breakouts are often brief and are an essential element of the peeling process to rejuvenate the skin and achieve the desired results.

Myth 7: Chemical peels should not be used on dry skin.

truth: The truth is that chemical peels work incredibly well to heal dry skin. Both restoration of the skin’s natural moisture barrier and improved product penetration of your moisturizer and other hydrating products are made possible by the elimination of dead skin.

Also read: 15 Tips To Get Beautiful, Glowing And Glowing Skin

A chemical peel is a type of cosmetic surgery that can help reduce the aging look of the face. During a chemical peel, a dermatologist will apply a chemical solution to your skin. This therapy removes damaged skin cells, allowing new, healthy skin to grow in their place.

(with inputs from ANI)