Chief Minister Uddhav’s wife ‘Marathi Ravi Devi’

Militant Militant Party (File photo)


Uddhav’s wife (Uddhav Thackeray) Rashmi (Rashmi Thackeray) BJP leader’s Caliph Pune Bookis has created a ruckus for posting “Marathi Rabri Devi” on Twitter. To appear after the appearance… If the jetons do not come to the cyber police station, then the Pune Police has taken action by arresting them. Click on it after tweet, discussion will improve the condition of applying on your skin.

this also further

Pune Police is a team database of Police. The future Jiten had also stayed with Gajariya in Mumbai yesterday.

BJP . , are never effected by the observer. y police

Read also: The observer turned down the leadership of Uddav, in this election.

Security force officials have deployed the police. This is deplorable.

Video: Uddhav’s meeting related to
