Chronic cough and severe vomiting may lead to hernia: Study

Ventral hernia refers to the protrusion of the intestine or other tissue through a gap or weakness in the abdominal wall. There are two specific types of abdominal hernias. According to Hopkins Medicine, the causes of an abdominal hernia can vary from person to person depending on their medical history, health, individual anatomy, and the location of the hernia. Weakness in the abdominal wall through which the intestine exits may be part of the body’s natural structures. Some causes of abdominal hernia are:

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heavy lifting

The muscles of the abdominal wall can become weak as a result of heavy lifting. The pressure on the abdominal walls increases to a great extent, due to which the walls can eventually weaken and cause an abdominal hernia. Correct technique and posture are important in order not to risk damage to the abdominal walls.

chronic cough, severe or chronic vomiting

Prolonged excessive coughing or vomiting can all damage the walls of the stomach. When we cough, or vomit and have a chronic cough/vomit the walls contract, which can weaken the walls thus increasing the risk of ventral hernia.

weight gain or obesity

Abdominal walls become loose and weak due to sudden weight gain or prolonged obesity. This can lead to abdominal disorders and abdominal hernias, and constipation can also become a common occurrence.

having a premature baby

Premature babies tend to lose weight and are more prone to hernias. Premature babies have a weak stomach and this is one of the reasons for constipation which can lead to abdominal hernia.

Other causes include abdominal injury, diabetes, pregnancy, lung disease, surgery, urinary problems and old age. If you face any symptoms related to hernia, it is necessary to visit a doctor as bowel movements become irregular and cause a lot of problems.

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